💥5/27/18 (2)💥

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"Ready?" Jack asked squeezing Zachs hand.

"You act like were about to die." Zach commented rolling his eyes.

"I might." Jack said once more.

"You'll be fine, stop being a big baby." Zach told him for the hundredth time.

"If you say so." Jack said, letting go of Zachs hand to grab the doorknob, but hesitated before grabbing it, "actually can you go in first." Jack mumbled.

Zach rolled his eyes, opening the door, being greeted with Jonah.

"Hey." Zach said walking in.

"Hey." Jonah said back sarcastically, "can we talk alone?" He asked Zach, seeing Jack standing in the doorway.

"Sure" Zach shrugged, turning back to Jack, "it'll only be for a few minutes." Zach told Jack, who nodded, closing the door.

Jack planned on eavesdropping, which he did.

"Why did you go to him last night?" Jonah asked with a sigh.

"Why not? It felt weird without him here, plus I was kinda lonely and didn't want to wake any of you guys up." Zach responded being honest, "why do you care so much anyway?" He mumbled with attitude.

"I care because I don't want him to hurt you, after what I witnessed yesterday, it seems like-"

"It's seems like what? He made a mistake, everyone makes them." Zach snapped.

"If he really cared he wouldn't have said it in the first place." Jonah snapped back.

"Are you not listening to me Jonah?! He. Made. A. Mistake. He wouldn't stop apologizing last night, I knew he meant it. I forgave him because I'm a good person and have trouble holding grudges against people!-" Zach stopped before he ranted about his problems with himself.

"Now your just repeating yourself, I get your point, but I don't accept it." Jonah grumbled.

"OH I'M repeating stuff now! You've been telling me the same things for the past week and a half." Zach exclaimed, actually getting pissed now, "why can't you be happy that I'm finding someone who makes me happy?"

"Jack Avery makes you happy? Never would've thought that, a couple weeks ago you would've said different." Jonah spat back.

"That was the past, I like focusing on the present. I don't like to think of what happened before this, I've learned to let go of things." Zach said getting lowkey sad.

"Sometimes the past helps reflect on what to do and what not to do, ever think of that?" Jonah argued, hoping Zach would give in.

"Yes, I have Jonah, I don't use it on my peers though, that's too much work. I just use that knowledge with my parents so they don't hurt me." Zach said actually getting really sad and getting unstable.

"This isn't about your parents, we're talking about Jack here." Jonah snapped once more.

At this point Jack couldn't take Jonah anymore, he bursted into the lounge, "Can you stop being a douche, look at Zach! You're slowly breaking him Jonah! Plus he has every right to defend himself however he wants, it doesn't always have to be about me. He's serious about his family, and you just blow it off? and you say you actually care." Jack snapped at Jonah, making all the correct defences.

If you didn't already guess, Jonah and Jack got into a argument. It held a lot of insults, cuss words, and Zach.

Zach couldn't handle the argument, he cared for both Jonah and Jack, it was just that Jonah was like his older brother while Jack was his love interest.

Zach dashed out of the room, down the hallways. The static in his head was loud again, so he didn't notice the two calling for him and chasing him.

He wasn't thinking straight when he approached the door that lead outside, he just wanted to escape, run away, get away from the drama.

So he left.

He went outside and was now battling the wind.

Jack and Jonah froze at the door, "We can't just leave him out there." Jack exclaimed.

"Someone has to do it." Jonah said back staring outside.

"I'll do it, but our arguments have to stop. For real this time, for Zach's sake. Please Jonah." Jack pleaded.

"I agree, you go get him, I'll try and find you both clothes." Jonah said running off.

Jack then opened the doors, putting a brick in it, so they had a way back in.
He had a hard time moving, but he managed, his determination was strong. It didn't take him long to find Zach, since he was slower than Jack in this situation.

"Zach!" Jack called, but Zach didn't hear him, the storm was too loud.

Jack made a giant leap and ran to Zach without any issues.

"Zach, we have to go back. Please, I don't wanna lose you." Jack yelled over the wind.

Zach just stared, not moving.

"Zach, please baby your gonna get sick or you know, die." Jack yelled once more.

"Why do you care that you'll lose me?" Zach asked loud enough for Jack to hear.

"Because I love you Zach, and I will not survive if I lose you." Jack said, also loud enough that Zach could hear him.

"You do?" Zach asked slowly stepping towards Jack.

"Yes, I do." Jack said before kissing Zach, it was at this moment when they both knew that they were truly, madly, in love with each other.

Jack pulled away, "Now let's go back inside before we actually get hurt."


Jack and Zach went back inside successfully, of course they were soaking wet. Luckily, Jonah found clothes, which Jack and Zach changed into. Jonah, Jack, and Zach all apologized, because they all understood each other's mindsets.
They explained everything to Daniel and Corbyn, then Daniel and Corbyn told the group that they were officially a couple. Everyone assumed that Zach and Jack we're together too, including themselves.

Everything was back to normal, well with positive changes this time.


"So Jonahs a single Pringle?" Daniel asked with a giggle.

"Yep, I'm now in a room full of couples." Jonah sighed.

"You'll find someone Jo, trust me, you're definitely a catch." Zach said reassuringly. Jonah nodded in response.

"This was definitely the most interesting birthday I've ever had." Zach laughed.

"It's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me?" Jack asked offended.

"It didn't seem like the right time to be honest." Zach responded making Jack agree with him.

"Well happy birthday Zach." Corbyn said enthusiastically.

"I wish we had cake, cake sounds good." Daniel said, happily, then pouted because he couldn't have cake.

"That means happy birthday in Daniels own special way" Corbyn laughed, along with the others.

"So your 18?" Jonah asked, earning a nod from Zach. "Well happy birthday and welcome to the club z." He finished with a wink.

"Thanks guys." Zach said, thankful they didn't sing to him.

They spent the rest of the night, talking more than they ever have before.



I honestly think this books gonna end soon. I'm not saying when, but definitely soon.


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