⚡5/19/18 (3)⚡

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"Shouldn't we get the stuff then head back?" Zach asked pulling away.

"Yeah, probably but this is way better." Jack said before leaning in again, but Zach dodged his lips and went to get food.

"I'm hungry, for food and you, but food is way better." Zach said grabbing random snacks (aka: shnacks).

"We shouldn't need a lot, there's still some food at the lounge." Jack said following Zach's actions.

Zach didn't even start to think about what happened, he was just glad it happened. Or was he?

Jack still didn't know what his sexuality is and it's kinda getting to him. Kissing Zach was nothing like Gabbie or any other girl. It was different, a good different.

Once the duo got their stuff, they headed back to the lounge. That was when Jack made a move, he grabbed Zach's free hand, which Zach hesitantly accepted.

"So we're a secret now?" Zach mumbled, letting go of Jack's hand.

"You could say that, why?" Jack asked stopping.

"Don't take this the wrong way, I like you a lot, you're an amazing kisser and you can be really nice and funny plus you're hot but, I don't quite trust you, when this is all over you could just leave me and go back to your old ways. I just don't wanna get hurt again." Zach said, looking at his feet. He felt like he did the right thing, plus they were moving pretty fast.

Jack understood, and he told Zach that. He was kinda hurt but, he couldn't talk. He hurt Zach for so long, but this is a different kind of pain. Jack, deep deep down, knew he was right. Jack would never go back to his old ways though, he couldn't do that to him anymore. It was hurting Jack too, when you hurt someone you love, you're hurt too.

"Jack, I don't want things to be awkward now." Zach mumbled, slowly walking at Jack's side.

"It won't be, I promise." Jack responded, opening the door to the lounge.

"We're back." Jack said putting the supplies in the middle of the room, Zach doing the same thing.

"What did you get?" Daniel asked crawling to the pile of food.

"Pretty much the same things as before." Zach said grabbing a water and two sandwiches, sitting next to Jonah.

"Nice so more sandwiches?" Jonah asked sitting up quickly.

"Yes Jo, more sandwiches." Zach giggled before throwing Jonah a sandwich.

They all began to feast on what they had, it wasn't the best but they were desperate.

"Isn't it kinda weird how we can just tune out the storm?" Corbyn asked taking a sip of water.

"Yeah I guess it is pretty weird, we're probably just used to it by now" Daniel responded, fiddling with the Jonah's jacket.

The others nodded in agreement and continued to eat. But two of them were lying, one was Zach, he is scared of storms so most of the time he's kinda petrified. Daniel on the other hand just hates heavy winds, thunder, and lightning. He can handle everything else but he was still terrified.

"When will this all end? How long will we be here?" Daniel sighed running a hand through his hair.

"Probably a while, I've been observing the storm activity and it's only gonna get worse. It's only the beginning." Corbyn replied

"Great" Daniel mumbled before laying back very dramatically.

"Like what if we don't make it? What if our families don't make it? Our homes, valuables, memories, what if their all gone? I can't even imagine losing Anna or my parents." Daniel exclaimed putting his head in his hands.

𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕎𝕒𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞⚡𝕎𝔻𝕎 ✔Where stories live. Discover now