⚡5/19/18 (2)⚡

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Read a/n for a conspiracy theory

Zach didn't want to admit it as he was walking down the hallway, but he was  figuring out he was gay. Who triggered it? Well it was Mr. Jack Robert Avery himself.

But Zach still didn't want to admit it to himself, because how could your worst enemy become your new love interest in a matter of days?

He knew, he knew what made him like Jack, it was the fact that Jack talks to him the most, he's possessive (not in a dirty way), he liked that he was a bad boy and hes pretty nice and nice looking but with that is his mystery that captured Zach's attention. Sure Jack didn't seem to keep any secrets but Zach knew there was something.

Before they both knew it, they were at a blockage that was blocking the kitchen. Jack looked at the pile of rubble, trying to find a safe way up.

"Ok Zach your gonna need to ste-" Jack started looking over at Zach who was already on top of the pile.

"Just climb, it's not rocket science." Zach chuckled.

Jack rolled his eyes and climbed up successfully. Once Jack dropped down, he was met with Zach's eyes which were staring at Jack. Zach was in a daze, just looking at Jack up and down. He didn't even know he was biting his lip, until Jack snapped him out of his daze,

"What? Do I turn you on or something?" Jack asked flustered with a small laugh. Making Zach turn red and all Zach did was shrug his shoulders and walk past Jack and going into the kitchen.

Zach immediately threw the Pringles at Jack who caught it and hugging the can. They continued looking through the stuff, neither of them saying anything.

"So your not talking much, anything up?" Jack asked looking over at Zach.

"I'm not sure I want to say..." Zach said looking back at Jack.

"Ok that's fine." Jack said turning back to the shelves. This really surprised Zach, he thought Jack would pester him till Zach gave in.

"I'm gonna tell you because I want to." Zach exclaimed, getting Jack to turn around.

"So what's up?" Jack asked crossing his arms.

"When I'm alone with my thoughts for hours on end, you start to think of people. I've been thinking about this one person and I'm 100% sure he doesn't like me at all. Because, well LOOK AT ME JACK! I'M NOTHING COMPARED TO HIM! I'LL NEVER BE AS GOOD, OR AS TALENTED, OR AS FUCKING HANDSOME AS HIM!" Zach yelled, letting out a big secret and getting other stuff off his chest.

"I'm going through the same thing Zach," Jack said looking at his feet before continuing, "i would never change anything about him, he's not just good he's great, talented, and fucking handsome and he's not nothing, he's something to me." He finished looking at Zach indicating that he was talking about him.

"There's not a single thing I want to change about you." Jack repeated and Zach just blushed

"You're really cute when you do that." Jack said complimenting Zach once more.

"Jack you never stop tampering with my emotions do you?" Zach questioned, playing hard to get and being serious at the same time.

"But, right now, is it a positive tampering?" Jack asked with his devilish smirk.

"I'm not sure..." Zach mumbled.

Jack moved close to Zachs face in a matter of milliseconds

"Then let's make you sure." Jack whispered.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Zach asked in a whisper, looking up at Jack.

"Because," Jack slowly connected their lips, not roughly, but soft and warm. Zach took a second to kiss back, but he did, closing his eyes. They would both break to take a breath but only to kiss each other again.

They both didn't want it to end.



sorry this is so short, schools already a pain in the ass. I'll try to update as much as possible.

Anyway, here's that conspiracy theory I promised

Me and my friend were listen to the 8 Letters album for the 10th time and we thought that the songs told a story, so we changed the order of the songs and it did tell a story. A story about a girl who constantly hurt the boys. So heres our #8Letters theory.

We start our story with: Hooked which, pretty much was crushing stage. The girl, even though she has a boyfriend, still hangs out and teases/flirts with the boys. So the boys fall for her, not even questioning whether she has another guy or not. Then out of nowhere stops hanging out with the boys, disappearing out of the blue, (as done in the music video also) to get back with her boyfriend signaling that all the flirting/teasing didn't mean a thing.

Next we have Friends, after a period of time passes, they make new friends. So on a Friday night they decide to have a party, and one of their new friends happens to be friends with the girl who led them on and decide to befriend her once more and start to party and have fun with her, only to find out that their falling for her again, (Or I could come alone, just me, you, on our own)

Now we have Falling, the boys realize that their falling for the girl all over, and finds out about her boyfriend that she has had the entire time. They start trying to push away their feelings and start to doubt their emotions. They start beating themselves up for letting her lead them on for so long. They become irritated with the girl for doing this to them and for disappearing. Then they think about how good they could treat her and finally realize that their falling for her all over again and confess

Then Choose, the girl starts to flirt again and they boys arnt having it, they want her to choose them or him. They try to convince how their the better option but in the end she chooses the guy (I think when she chose the other guy, thats when the music slows down at the end, their world slows down because they thought she would choose them but ended up getting rejected) but she still wants to hang around them making complications with both of her relationships

Hard- as time passes again, she tries to maintain a relationship with both of them. Whenever the girl gets hurt she goes back to the boys for comfort, the boys try to convince her to break up with her boyfriend knowing that they had a toxic relationship. After this keeps happening over and over, the boys can't take it anymore and confront her, telling her that they can't be friends because it's not only hurting her but the boys as well. They then decide that they want her out of their lives so they won't continue getting hurt. Which could be why they want rewards for successfully pushing her away ("I should win an Oscar", "I should win a Grammy", " I should win an Emmy")

Now In Too Deep, After a short time passes, the boys become heartbroken that they had to push her away but they think that even though it's hard, it was for the best and don't change their minds. The truth was that they truly regret pushing her away even though she put then through hell and back many many times. They realize that there truly In Too Deep but don't bring her back into their lives.

8 Letters, The boys are at an all time low. They start distancing themselves and keep living in the past, thinking of all the good times and wish they could've confessed in the very beginning. They don't think there ever going to get over her. They wish they could've said those 8 letters.

Talk- after a long period of time, the boys get over the girl and truly realize that the relationship wouldn't have worked out anyway, they didn't listen to each other and constantly twisted each other's words, and that would've hurt them in the long run. They're finally happy knowing that they didn't have to deal with that pain anymore.

What do you think?

Before I go I just want to shout out a few peeps, -stormyskies -gaycookies and MeAwesomeBunny who I luv very much and are AMAZING





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