💥5/27/18 (1)💥

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Zach woke up in the freezer the next morning, he kinda forgot what he did, until he realized where he was,

he was pretty satisfied.

He had Jack's arms around him, so worth sneaking out for. Zach didn't even care what the others thought at this point, he knew Corbyn and Daniel would be accepting but he's not sure about Jonah.

Bored, Zach started to play with Jack's curls. He'd pick up a strand, pull up slightly and drop the curl, watching to bounce. It was kinda fun to him, so he kept doing that till he accidentally woke Jack up.

"Your so beautiful." Jack said looking at Zach's eyes, which turned Zach in a blushing mess.

"G-good morning to you too." Zach stuttered, Stretching.

Jack chuckled sitting up, Zach following.

"Wait, What about Jonah? He's going to kill you." Jack said looking at Zach, worry covering his face.

"I don't care at this point." Zach mumbled.


Jonah woke up first, immediately noticing that Zach was gone, making Jonah loundly grunt in annoyance. Which also woke Corbyn and Daniel up.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked rubbing his eyes

"Zach's gone." Jonah said anger tracing his voice a little.

"So what? He's probably with Jack right now. It's not that big of a deal Jonah, can't you see that Zach and Jack love each other? No matter how much Zach doesn't want to, he does. Jack cares about Zach even though he makes mistakes, it just happens Jonah! and there's nothing you can do about it." Corbyn snapped, not wanting to deal with Jonah's shit.

Jonah rolled his eyes, he knew Corbyn was right but Jonah just couldn't deal with knowing that Zach, who is such a great person, being with Jack, who, in Jonahs opinion, is a narcissistic bitch.

"Should we go get them or..." Daniel started.

"Yeah, I need to get out of this room anyway," Corbyn sighed "Jonah, please calm down, I think Zach might be a little scared of you right now." He finished following Daniel out the door.

Then Jonah was alone with his thoughts.

Corbyn was still half asleep when him and Daniel we're walking, he kinda looked like a zombie.


"Corbs you need to shave your face." Daniel commented, looking at Corbyns short facial hair.

"So do you, you still look good though." Corbyn commented back.

Their banter continued about who looked better, they called truce eventually, that being when they got to the kitchen.

"What do you think their doing?" Daniel asked stepping behind Corbyn.

"Hopefully nothing nasty" Corbyn sighed, knocking on their regular freezer door.

Jack ended up answering, "Did Jonah send you?" He asked in a sigh.

"Nope, he had a mini freak out because of Zach leaving so we just left." Corbyn responded.

"Fair enough" Jack answered.

"He was sister shook." Daniel blurted, getting Jack and Corbyn to shoot glances at him, even Zach after he processed what Daniel said.

"I can't even be a meme in one book..." Daniel mumbled quietly.

"What?" Corbyn asked

"Nothing" Daniel answered quickly.

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