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When Clarke looked into Bellamy's eyes for the first time in six years, she felt clarity and overwhelmed. Everything that could have possibly gone wrong happened, but despite all of that, having Bellamy back by her side felt like fate.

Clarke couldn't quite figure out what she was feeling until the moment she saw Bellamy running into Echo's arms and kiss like there was no tomorrow, although she wouldn't be quite surprised if there was no tomorrow.

Madi was standing right next to her and Clarke was overjoyed to be reunited with her, yet she somehow felt unsettled and sick. She focused her attention back towards Madi and tried to forget about it.

Clarke got some time to herself to think while Bellamy was busy dealing with Octavia. Octavia wasn't the biggest fan of Echo which isn't too surprising considering Echo did try to murder Octavia, twice. That was six years ago of course. A lot can change in six years.

For example, this feeling that rested in the pit of Clarke's stomach was something very unfamiliar to her, something she hasn't felt in years. She tried to ignore it as she prepared Madi to get the hell out of here.

Clarke could not risk Madi's life when she just got her back, and Octavia did not seem like the safest bet, but as they were finally ready to escape with the defectors, that feeling instantly returned when she spotted Bellamy with Echo by their tent.

Echo was leaving too. Bellamy's eyes caught Clarke's and her heart rate instantly picked up. She told Madi to stay right there because she obviously should tell Bellamy goodbye. It was the least she could do after he rescued her from Diyoza and her psycho band of misfits.

Clarke walked up to Bellamy with as much dignity as she could and began to speak, "So... Echo?"

Holy Crap. Where did that just come from? Clarke thought.

Bellamy felt instantly tense, "Clarke..."

Clarke didn't quite know where this conversation was coming from, but felt the urge to continue. "No, I mean it's fine. Six years is a very long time."

Bellamy didn't know why, but he felt like he needed to give Clarke a reason. "Clarke you have to understand. I thought you were dead."

Clarke felt weary thinking about her long days radioing Bellamy.

"And you have to understand that I believed you were alive." Clarke blurted out. Bellamy just looked at her, urging her to continue with his beautiful eyes that made her feel the need to touch him, but she refrained. It didn't feel right.

"I waited for you," she went on, "because I believed with every bit of my soul that YOU were breathing. And everyday I would talk to you with that stupid radio that wouldn't work because I had faith that-"

"Wait, you radioed me all that time?" Bellamy's words echoed through her brain.

Oh crap. She needed to change the subject and fast.

"Bellamy please drop it, okay? Madi and I have to go now." Nice save Clarke.

But, Bellamy wasn't letting it go that easily.

"Clarke, please just answer the question. Did you really radio me for six years?"

"2,199 days," her voice came out softly as she remembered the years she spent wondering if she'd ever see her friends again. "Look, none of that matters anymore," Clarke spoke recalling Echo, "you have your family and I have mine."

Bellamy couldn't quite wrap his mind around this statement, "But, what about us?"

Clarke felt like her heart would explode when she head the word us.

"There is no us." She turned around and walked away unsure of everything. Why couldn't she just be happy for Bellamy? He obviously loved Echo.

"This isn't fair Clarke. You can't just spring this on me and walk away."

Clarke stops at the sound of Bellamy's voice, tears welling in her eyes, "Well what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to listen to me," Bellamy spoke calmly, aware of every word he would say. "I didn't just lose you Clarke, I mourned you. And Echo got me through that, okay?"

When Clarke didn't turn around, he continued, "Before praimfaya, it was always me waiting for you. You fell in love twice. Echo makes me happy and I'm tired of waiting."

Clarke heart pangs at the thought of Lexa and Finn. She had to lose everyone she loved, she didn't want to lose Bellamy too.

She slowly turned back around and stared into Bellamy's eyes knowing that it was her turn to wait for him. And that's exactly what she would do.

Before Clarke started breaking down in front of Bellamy, she gave him a nod and walked back to where she left Madi.

Bellamy and Clarke: The Future is ours!Where stories live. Discover now