I promise

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Octavia had gone too far. She had just made Madi her second. Clarke felt furious as she made her way towards Bellamy, Harper, and Monty, the only friends she felt like she had left in Polis while the rest of them were trapped in Shadow Valley along with her mom.

Her heart ached thinking about Abby. She hadn't seen her mother in six years and now she was back, yet so far away.

Clarke barged into 'that one room with a computer' with a look that told Bellamy and the rest of Spacekru that shit was about to go down.
After Clarke and the group (mostly Clarke) had to decided that taking out Octavia is the best way to save everyone from war, Bellamy cornered Clarke.

Here comes trouble.

"Clarke, we need to talk," Bellamy stated, firmly.

Clarke thought back to their fight earlier about Echo, "No, we do not-"

"About Octavia..."

Well, that was awkward. Clarke should have known he wasn't talking about them.

"Oh." She said, realizing Bellamy might not be the biggest fan when it comes to eliminating his sister.

"I know that having her back in our lives has been rough on both of us. Especially because of Madi," Bellamy began, slowly choosing his words, "but do you actually think taking her out is the best plan?"

Clarke didn't even have to think before she spoke next, "I survived six years alone with no one but Madi. I am not risking that relationship so that your sister can put us into yet another war."

It was as simple as that. Clarke couldn't fight anymore. She spent too long losing the people she loved.

"Clarke..." Bellamy's voice crushed her. It was like he could use her name as a weapon, every time he spoke it, she could hear the pain he brought with him, pain that she often induced.

"ShallowValley was my home," she claimed, not allowing herself to fall into Bellamy's trap, "I was finally at peace and I didn't have to worry about what war to fight. I wanted you to come home, but not at the cost of our lives."

Clarke had so much more to say, things that she couldn't say, only feel. It was crushing her inside. Everyday she imagined she was speaking to Bellamy through that damn radio, but now that he's here, her entire world was falling out of place. Nothing made sense anymore.

Where did Clarke belong?

"You can't just take out my sister and expect to go back to that peaceful life you were living," Bellamy's words shattered Clarke's thoughts, "Diyoza is still a threat and Octavia has an entire army ready to defend her, dead or alive."

Clarke almost rolled her eyes, "Wonkru is not an army. It's a prison of deluded people who were trapped underground for six years."

Bellamy started to shake his head, disappointment flashing across his face, "I can't believe this. It's been six years and you already falling back into your old habits."

"Says the man who was willing to sacrifice 283 lives for one."

This one got to Bellamy and Clarke knew it.

"That's different and you know it," Bellamy tried to defend himself.

"How is that different?" Clarke protested, "I'm trying to protect Madi, and you... you were trying to protect me."

The words settled over both of them like a truth that no one could bare to believe.

"I would make that decision every time because I can't lose you again," Bellamy said this with such ease that Clarke couldn't comprehend why they couldn't express more feelings towards each other.

"You won't, Bellamy." Clarke assured him, not really sure if she should believe herself, "I promise."

Bellamy and Clarke: The Future is ours!Where stories live. Discover now