The End

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Madi stared at Clarke, her anger undeniable, but then she looked up at this woman who she had grown to love so much and a realization occurred. Clarke was only doing what she thought was best. Like she always does.

Clarke closed her hand around the flame, her heart beating fast. This was her moment. She could finally end the war.

If she failed, the cycle would never stop. And she had to end the cycle for Jasper. For Finn. For Lincoln. For Lexa. For everyone who gave their life up because of this endless, pointless cycle that would never give them any peace of mind.

Her eyes landed on the ship as she saw that Bellamy was running out. When he saw Clarke, a look of relief settled across his face and he nodded in her direction, giving her the strength she needed.

Clarke held up the flame to Wonkru, their eyes following in awe, "The time of the commanders is over," she announced before she dropped the flame on the ground. She watched as Wonkru crept forward, unease covering their faces. But Indra threw her fist in the air, silently ordering them to back off.

Clarke looked down at the flame, thinking of all the memories that it held. The heartbreak, pain, and suffering. She couldn't hold on to that anymore. As a single tear drop slid down her face, Clarke brought her foot up and crushed the flame to pieces, letting that part of herself finally rest.

"And Blodreina is no more," Clarke stated, not sure if her words were true or not, but she saw Bellamy's hurt expression nonetheless. Clarke wanted to run to him, to hug him, to kiss him. But she knew that she was right where she had to be.

"The war is over!" She informed the mass, "You are no longer Wonkru or Eligius. We are all just people. And together, we will live in peace."

Clarke scanned the crowd, their restless looks starting to become less murderous and more understanding."I am confident that if we work as a unit, this valley will thrive. We will thrive!"

There was only silence. In a place that had the stinch of death just seconds ago finally felt at peace.

Indra was the first to walk up next to Clarke, "Jus Drein No Jus Daun." She said, placing her weapon down.

They nodded at each other, a new found understanding that they had formed in the past few weeks.

Jus Drein No Jus Daun.

It may have been Lexa's legacy, but it would be Clarke who followed through and finished the job.

Slowly, the people came forward and dropped their weapons, all of them tired but a glint of hope rested in their eyes.

Clarke smiled. It was time to get to work and finally rebuild her broken home.

She asked Raven if she would help them to units and then later form a team to take the rover back to the bunker and get Monty and Harper. They were going to love it here, Clarke thought. They would finally get the peaceful life Monty and Harper had always longed for.

Finally, her eyes landed on Bellamy's. He's waiting for her so that they could see Octavia, together.

Clarke walks over to him, placing her hand inside his to let him know that she was all his for now.

They make their way towards the medical room and once Bellamy sees Octavia is awake, he lets go of Clarke's hand and rushes to his sisters side.

"Bellamy." Octavia utters, a small smile on her face. "I'm glad you're here."

Her voice is swollen and filled with so much regret.

"There's no place I could possibly be right now but by your side." Bellamy tells Octavia, the love that had faded between the siblings seemed to be restored in that moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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