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Bellamy thought back to the fight in the pit before Clarke arrived. Indra immediately tried to get Gaia out the way so she could kill him.

He wouldn't let Indra win, not when he had something to fight for.

His space family.



There's was no way in hell he would die without Clarke knowing how sorry he is. So he fought.

Bellamy took the sword and sliced her leg open, causing her to lose balance. This was his chance. He could end it all right here.

Indra was distracted by her own pain so he raised the sword, taking one look at Blodreina before he-

"Stop!" Octavia's voice forced him to drop his sword, hoping that she was stopping the fight.

But O wasn't looking at Bellamy or Indra, he turned to follow her gaze, Gaia.

She was on her knees, the spear lodged in her chest with her own arms hands around it.

"Gaia, no!" Indra screamed, her motherly instinct kicking in as she raced to Gaia's side, despite her wounded leg.

Gaia was not dead yet, but the spear was merely inches away from her heart. If she moved, she would be.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to Indra, tears streaming down her face, "I cannot take killing you, not after all this time."

Indra held on her to her daughter, "Gaia, you can't do this. We need to get that spear out." Bellamy heard the sorrow in Indra's words, something he couldn't recognize because her walls were built up so high.

He looked to Octavia again, her face was hard to read, as if the war within herself was suffocating her ability to show emotions.

Gaia smiled, "The spirit of the commanders will guide me."

Those were her last words as she held on to the spear and lodged it deeper into her chest, through her heart, killing her instantly.

A single teardrop fell down Indra's face as she laid her daughters dead body down on the ground, pulling the spear out.

Indra spoke quietly when she said, "Yu Gonplei Ste Odon."

Your fight is over.

"Alright," Blodreina was back, standing over the arena, blood covering her entire body, "You know the rules. Win the fight, save your life."

Clarke didn't have time to process Gaia's death. She and Bellamy wrapped their arms around Indra and got out of the pit as fast as they could.

Clarke took one last look behind her to see Octavia. She was standing in the same place she had been, watching as Clarke stole her prisoners and the last true commander on earth.

Octavia didn't try to stop them and maybe that was the human inside her, who was begging Clarke to save her brother and Indra.

They ran to the rover, Bellamy and Clarke placing Indra down carefully. Clarke made a mental note to stop about 50 miles out to check on her leg, but for now she would just need to wrap some cloth around it.

Bellamy slid in next to Indra while Madi placed herself in the passenger seat. As soon as Clarke got into the rover, she spun everyone around, heading towards Shallow Valley.

It was time to go home.

Clarke wanted to drive all the way to Eden, but because of her detour back to Polis, it was getting very late and she still needed to check on Indra's leg.

She stopped the rover and turned around, noticing that everyone was asleep. "Indra," she whispered, "I'm going to take a look at your leg, alright?"

Indra's eyes fluttered open and she nodded, so Clarke hopped out of the drivers seat and made her way towards Indra.

She unfolded the cloth, examining the wound, "It doesn't look like the wound is too deep. It stopped bleeding," Clarke reassured Indra, letting her know that they would get it cleaned as soon as they got to Shallow Valley.

Clarke was about to get back in the drivers seat when Indra choked out, "Bellamy didn't kill Gaia."

Clarke looked up instantly, "What?"

Indra nodded, "I know that's what you think. I couldn't kill my own daughter, so Bellamy did."

She thought about it, of course, they were in the fighting pit, it just seemed likely.

"Gaia sacrificed herself." Indra told her, tears threatening to resurface.

"I'm sorry Indra," Clarke said, " I really am."

Indra nodded and then waited for a moment before she said, "It was my idea."

Clarke knew she couldn't possibly be talking about Gaia, "What was?"

"Giving Madi the flame," Indra said, "Bellamy just went along because he thought he was doing what was right. It was my idea, yet you don't look at me with the same hurt in your eyes that you do towards him."

Indra's words cut like a knife. Clarke knew she shouldn't put all the blame on Bellamy, but he promised to keep Madi safe. It was his betrayal. His choice was the one that mattered.

She looked over towards Bellamy, his eyes still closed, but his breath unsteady.

Clarke didn't say anything. She just turned around, making her way back towards the drivers seat so that they would be home by morning.

"I'll drive," his voice came out of nowhere, speeding her heart rate up. The emotions bawled inside of her were so close to just spilling out.

"Bellamy, you really don't have to." She told him, but he was already out of the rover making his way towards Clarke.

"Get some sleep, Clarke." Bellamy said, "You're going to need it."

Clarke nodded, knowing that arguing wasn't worth it. She climbed in the passenger seat with Madi, feeling the need to keep her close while they sleep.

She didn't realize how tired she had been because as soon as she got settled, with Madi in her arms, she began to drift off.

Clarke wasn't sure, but in the final moments before she fell asleep, she swore she heard someone say, "Goodnight Princess."

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