The Red Queen

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When Clarke put a gun against Blodreina's forehead, Octavia didn't even flinch. Part of Clarke wondered if O was thankful that Clarke was here, stopping this mess before Indra or Bellamy died.

Clarke forced Octavia up and stood behind her, the gun still pressed firmly against Octavia's head.

She walked Octavia out into the crowd where she was more visible and shot once up into the air, quickly placing the gun back on Octavia.

The bunker immediately went still. Everyone that was near them in the crowd parted ways so that the entire arena could place their eyes on Octavia and Clarke.

Indra and Bellamy stopped fighting and looked up. Bellamy's eyes met Clarke's and she couldn't tell if he was relieved or horrified.

"If I see one person even reach for a weapon, your queen dies instantly." Clarke screamed out into the empty souls of Wonkru. They didn't move, didn't speak, it was like they were brainwashed. Maybe they had been.

"You know you're dead, right?" Octavia whispered, low enough that only I could hear her.

Clarke smirked, "You're the one with a gun against your head, not me."

"Wonkru," Clarke shouted, "release the prisoners to me or Blodreina is dead."

The room suddenly exploded with rage. Screams from across the bunker spread like wildfire. It was a riot, yet a contained one.

"She's bluffing!"

"You kill her, we kill you!"

"We rose from the ashes. We will not be slain by some girl, even if she is the commander of death."

Clarke felt her nerves starting to kick in. She hadn't thought this plan through. Her eyes fell on Bellamy's who was still watching her, waiting to see what Clarke does next. Her anger vanished for a moment, focusing on Bellamy, focusing on keeping him alive.

She didn't spend six years alone for him to die right when she got him back.

Lost in her thoughts, Clarke was taken aback when suddenly someone grabbed her from the back. One hand wrapped around Clarke's throat, the other wrapped around her gun.

Clarke tried to focus on the gun, she had to keep the gun, it was her only defense. She knew she needed to shoot it because that's what she had promised to do, but she couldn't breathe.

The hand around her throat was closing in and Clarke lost control of the gun, trying desperately to find oxygen. Just as she started to give in, the hand released itself and forcefully held onto Clarke, revealing a familiar face.

Nathan Miller.

Clarke couldn't help the tears that fell down her face. Miller didn't budge.

"You know Clarke, this whole 'I'm God' complex is getting a bit old," he admitted, "it's no longer your choice who gets to live or die. Not in this arena. Look around you. These people don't trust you!"

Her eyes made their way around the room, every face was full of pain, anger, and death.

"You were willing to let everyone in this room that wasn't Skaikru die!" Miller's voice echoed throughout the bunker.

"Why, Clarke?" He continued, "was it for 'your people?' You really liked that excuse six years ago. You don't have people anymore. You are all alone."

Clarke was speechless, her vision blurred by the tears that spoke the words she couldn't.

"Blodreina fought for everyone in the conclave. She wanted to save humanity. You.. Clarke, you are just selfish." After that, Nathan Miller spit in her face, revealing once again that six years changes everything.

It felt like Clarke's entire world was crumbling down. What happened to peace? It was so far out of reach now. The people she grew to love were no longer recognizable.

Miller was right, Clarke thought. I am alone.

She turned her attention back to Bellamy, who's eyes were still trained on her and he nodded, letting her know that it was okay she couldn't save him.

But it wasn't okay, not for Clarke.

"I bet your father doesn't feel that way."

Boom. His weak spot. That gave her two seconds to kick his knee and escape from his grasp.

In this moment, Wonkru once again went wild, all guns trained on Clarke.


No, oh God no.

Clarke doesn't know how, but Madi's voice temporarily ceased the bunker.

"I am Madi Kom Shallow Valley and I demand you to release the prisoners."

No one budged an inch.

"Members of Wonkru, you once belonged to klans. You once had families and a purpose that was more than blindly following Blodreina," she didn't sound like Madi, yet her voice was so familiar, so beautiful.

"I am not asking you to give up your beliefs. I am asking you to remember them. Lexa Kom Trikru had a legacy, Jus Drein No Jus Daun. Blood must not have blood." The words Madi spoke were so pure that Clarke felt utter shock.

The shift was noticeable, half of the room began to kneel, the other half kept their weapons trained on Clarke.

"Don't listen to her!" Octavia screeched out into the bunker. "Guards, arrest her. Arrest all of them."

And that's when it started.

The bunker turned into a straight up civil war which gave Clarke just enough distraction to escape from Miller.

With the members of Wonkru focused on each other, Clarke ran towards Madi.

"Come with me," Clarke whispered, not letting Madi out of her sight.

They ran down to the pit where Bellamy and Indra were standing, trying to take cover from the fighting. The guards within were distracted by themselves, some fighting for the 'Heda' and some fighting for Blodreina.

"Bellamy!" Clarke exclaimed, "come on we have to go!"

Bellamy ran towards Clarke, grabbing her hand as if he needed to make sure she was actually here, that she actually came back for him, "This is insane. We will never make it out of here alive."

Clarke looked at Madi and Bellamy's eyes followed, "Yes we will. I trust her."

That was enough for Bellamy. He instantly made his way towards Indra, who was limping. Her leg was bleeding, she must have gotten stabbed.

"I can get Indra," Clarke assured Bellamy, "go get Gaia."

"Clarke..." Bellamy said, looking at Indra.

"Bellamy, we don't have time. Get Gaia." Clarke declared, frustrated.

Indra was the one who spoke next, her words choked out and broken, "Gaia's dead."

And that's chapter 6! This is the first death that didn't come directly from season 5, although we don't know yet if Gaia is dead on the show! We will find out soon enough.

Are you surprised about Gaia? How do you think she died? Let me know!

And come back on Thursday for your questions to be answered!

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