The Berry Bush

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"Rise and shine, sleepyhead." Bellamy whispered to Clarke.

Clarke woke suddenly, confused as to where she was. It finally hit her that she was in the rover, but something was missing.

"Where's Madi?" Clarke demanded, "she was next to me when I fell asleep. Where is sh-"

Clarke stopped when Bellamy lifted his arm and pointed behind her. She turned slowly to see a river, their river. And Madi was with Indra, helping her clean off her wound.

She smiled thinking about how easily Madi picked up on all Clarke's doctor tricks.

"You drove through the night," Clarke said, looking to Bellamy, "thank you."

Bellamy nodded, "I know how badly you wanted to get home and we need to find your mother and our friends."

Clarke noticed Bellamy put an emphasis on our, as if he wanted to assure her that they were in this together.

She smiled at Bellamy, lightly, but couldn't keep her eyes off of him.

"Speaking of," Clarke said suddenly, deciding to change the subject, "We need to make our way towards camp."

"Yeah I found this cave that we could hide the rover in," Bellamy told her, "If you want, we can head back now."

Clarke turned to look at Madi, she was smiling. Indra was too. Clarke hadn't seen Madi smile like that in forever and she was curious as to what Indra was telling her.

"Let's stay for a bit," Clarke decided, "It's been a while since she's smiled."

Bellamy walked with Clarke towards Indra and Madi. They listened to Indra's tell a story about the first female warrior.

Bellamy was staring so vigilantly at Clarke that he couldn't look away. He noticed the way she smiled, watching Madi, a smile he'd never seen before.

Bellamy was so invested in Clarke Griffin that he almost didn't catch the part about Mulan dressing up as man in order to save the world in Indra's story.

It sounded like a fairytale, a woman having to dress up as man to save the world when Clarke Griffin does it everyday still looking hot as hell.

Bellamy tried to stop his thoughts, confusion taking over the course of his mind.

"I'm going to go fetch some breakfast," He claimed, trying to get out as fast as he could.

Clarke looked up, that sweet smile still plastered on her face, "I'll go with you."

Indra's eyes met Clarke's, "Are you sure?"

Clarke took one last look at Madi, knowing that despite Indra's role in putting the flame in Madi's head, she would always put her Heda first, "I trust you."

Indra nodded and turned back to Madi, continuing her story about this Mulan figure.

Bellamy stared at Clarke, in awe, "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why are you going with me?" Bellamy questioned.

Clarke smirked, "I know this place better than anyone.

Clarke and Bellamy were silent for most of their journey, both of them allowing the events that took place yesterday wash over them.

"Bellamy stop!" Clarke said urgently, catching something in her eye.

He stopped instinctively and looked around, "What? What is it?"

She pointed to the ground, "Bear trap."

Bellamy and Clarke: The Future is ours!Where stories live. Discover now