The Hypocrite and The Spy

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"Why were you crying earlier?"

"What?" Clarke looked down at Madi, who was consuming the berries Bellamy and Clarke had gathered.

"Was it about Bellamy?" Madi asked, almost as if she was accusing Clarke of something.

Clarke didn't say anything.

"Come on, Clarke." Madi pleaded, "It's been 6 years, I think I can tell by now when you're upset."

Clarke gave in, "We were talking about the flame and how he let you take it."

Madi tensed up, placing her hand over the back of her neck, "You can't take it out."

"I know."

Confusion filled Madi, "What changed your mind?"

Clarke wanted to roll her eyes, "My mind didn't  change. You saving Bellamy and Indra happened and I know that it's needed to win this war."

"But I thought you didn't want me involved in-"

"Madi, I don't know what I'm doing!" Clarke exclaimed, her frustration building up, "All I know is that my mom's in that Valley, my friends are in that Valley, and Octavia is out there with an army ready to kill you and another one ready to defend you and I can't risk losing the people that would lay their life down for you."

Madi nodded and said, "Okay," as if it was that simple.

After breakfast, they drove the rover to the cave Bellamy was speaking of.

Clarke wanted to check the prison camp back out again, but she knew Bellamy must be tired from driving all night so she told him to get some rest while she and Indra go scout, who seemed to no longer care that her leg was cut with a sword just yesterday.

Clarke made Madi stay behind, to keep her safe and... to make sure Bellamy's okay while he's vulnerable.

Indra followed behind Clarke, not making a sound and barely limping. She had managed to grab the sword from the arena and Clarke had some extra guns, so for now, they were somewhat covered.

"I don't want you to get your hopes up." Indra whispered, as they were getting closer to camp.

Clarke held her ground, not looking back for one second, "What are you talking about?"

"Abby," Indra revealed, "She isn't the same person you knew when you left that bunker 6 years ago."

"She does that," Clarke responded, "Changes."

"Not like this."

Indra's words weren't helping Clarke stay focused.

"Abby's an addict, too drugged up to notice how messed up she is." Indra disclosed to Clarke who was suddenly feeling nauseous.

"Who gave her the drugs?" Clarke demanded, but Indra never had time to answer this because they had just made it to camp.

Clarke and Indra squatted down while Clarke evaluated the situation, horrified at what she saw.

"This," Diyoza shouted, holding up some sort of device, "will cure us! It will help us win the war and take down Octavia!"

Eligius went wild.

"And you can all thank Abby," Diyoza started as Clarke's mother entered the crowd, emotionless and drained with Kane by her side.

"Bring them out." Diyoza demanded to some of the prisoners on her side.

Clarke watched as they brought out four people, with bags covering their heads, and put them on their knees.

What were they doing? Clarke thought Diyoza was allowing the defectors to stay.

The prisoners ripped the bags off their heads revealing Raven, Murphy, Emori, and Eligius Pilot Shaw.

"First we execute the spies," Diyoza announced, a devious smile forming, "and then we go to war!"

Clarke's heart rate had begun to pick up as she was getting ready to rush in there and save her friends.

"No." Indra stopped her, "you'll die and you knows it's true."

Clarke didn't know what to do, but she couldn't just let Diyoza murder her friends.

"Clarke?" A voice came from behind.

She turned around and came face to face with Echo, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with them?"

Echo looked towards her friends, "I escaped."

Clarke examined Echo who just happened to not have a single scratch on her body.

"You escaped?" Clarke asked, in an accusatory tone.

"We don't have time for this," Indra stated, "We need to get back to the cave and get Bellamy."

"Bellamy's with you?" Echo questioned.

Clarke ignored her, "No, what we need to do is save our friends."

"Indra's right," Echo commented, Clarke's irritation building, "Diyoza won't execute them right away. She uses the shock collars to torture them until she gets all the information she needs about battle plans, the end of the world, and Octavia. We have time."

"How do you know all this?" Clarke asked, as more of a demand than a question.

"Clarke," Indra inserted herself, once again, "Echo's been here for awhile, she has caught on to some things."

"How can you trust her?" Clarke asked, "She burned down Mount Weather, cheated in the conclave, and practically killed Octavia."

Clarke felt very small after what she'd said, realizing how hypocritical she actually was.

"Maybe if she would have, we wouldn't be in this situation right now." Indra admitted, referring to Octavia's death.

"Okay," Clarke said, "Let's go."

Bellamy's eyes drifted open, unsure of exactly where he was until he saw Madi watching him, her hand wrapped around a knife.

"How long have I been out?"

Madi's turned her attention towards him, "About 3 hours."

Bellamy stood up fast, "Hours? And Clarke's not back yet? We need to go search for her."

Bellamy started gathering himself together, ready to sprint out.

"Bellamy, no." Madi headed in his direction, but Bellamy was already on his way out.

That was when he saw Clarke, who paused when she saw him, their eyes met and relief coursed through his veins, but Clarke didn't look relieved.

Clarke seemed worried so Bellamy walked to her, reaching for her hands but Clarke pulled away and turned to reveal Indra walking behind her... with Echo.

"Bellamy!" Echo said, her eyes beaming. She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around him, his body stiff and confused, never taking his eyes off Clarke.

Echo pulled back and took his hand, "Come on," she smiled, "Let's go save our friends."


Anyways, you guys aren't ready for the next chapter :) Thanks for those who have come this far!

What do you think is going to happen?

See you on Tuesday!

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