𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮

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Nine years had passed since Y/n first joined Sharon's company

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Nine years had passed since Y/n first joined Sharon's company. The office had transformed over the years, sleek and modern now, with Y/n's influence deeply embedded in its evolution.

Her rise to the head of the Finance Department had been marked by countless confrontations with Sharon, each one shaping her into the formidable force she had become.

One evening, as the office buzzed with the low hum of after-hours activity, Y/n sat at her desk, poring over the financial reports for the upcoming quarter. The numbers danced across the screen, but her mind wandered back to the early days, the memories of those tense confrontations with Sharon still vivid in her mind.

Suddenly, the door to her office burst open. Sharon stormed in, her eyes blazing with fury. The years had not softened her; if anything, they had made her more volatile, more demanding.

"Y/n" Sharon barked, slamming a file onto the desk. "What the hell is this? These numbers are completely unacceptable!"

Y/n looked up, her expression cool and composed. She leaned back in her chair, folding her arms. "Good evening to you too, Sharon. What seems to be the problem?"

Sharon's eyes narrowed. "Don't play coy with me. This is a disaster, and you know it. If you can't handle your department, maybe it's time we found someone who can."

Y/n chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Relax, Sharon. The numbers are preliminary. We're still finalizing the data. There's no need to fly off the handle."

Sharon's face flushed with anger. "Don't patronize me, Y/n. I won't tolerate incompetence."

Y/n stood up, her movements calm and deliberate. She walked around her desk, closing the distance between them until she was mere inches from Sharon's face.

"You know, Sharon, for someone who prides herself on being in control, you sure do lose your temper easily."

Sharon's jaw tightened, but she said nothing, her eyes locked on Y/n's.

"Well, my Boss" Y/n continued, her voice a low, dangerous whisper. "I have been patient with you."

"Remember that" Y/n said softly, her voice carrying a chilling undertone. She turned away, her demeanor shifting back to its usual coolness. "Now, if you're done with your tantrum, I have work to do."

Sharon's expression darkened further, her anger reaching a boiling point. "You arrogant bitch" she spat, her voice low and venomous. "You think you're so untouchable, don't you? Always so calm, so collected. But you're just a smug, insufferable know-it-all who got lucky. Without me, you'd be nothing."

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