𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟯

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Just as Hana's footsteps faded upstairs, Sharon walked into the kitchen, wearing a luxurious silk robe that clung to her figure

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Just as Hana's footsteps faded upstairs, Sharon walked into the kitchen, wearing a luxurious silk robe that clung to her figure.

Her hair was pulled back, and a sheet mask covered her face, giving her an otherworldly appearance. The robe's high slit revealed a long, toned leg, and the loosely tied belt offered glimpses of her chest.

Y/n, busy cleaning up her injuries, looked up and froze at the sight. She felt her breath catch, and a wave of tension coursed through her body.

Her eyes involuntarily traced the contours of Sharon's exposed skin, her pulse quickening.

She shifted slightly, feeling the sudden tightness in her pants.

Sharon seemed oblivious to Y/n's reaction, moving with a casual grace as she walked to the refrigerator.

She opened it, peering inside as she spoke. "Did you get the carrots?" she asked, her voice muffled by the sheet mask but still carrying that same cold edge.

Y/n swallowed hard, trying to regain her composure. "Yeah, they're on the counter" she replied, her voice a bit strained.

Sharon turned, finally noticing Y/n's bandaged hands and lip. Her eyes narrowed slightly, though her expression remained unreadable behind the mask.

"What happened to you?" she asked, her tone indifferent but with a hint of curiosity.

"Just a little run-in with some trouble" Y/n replied, attempting to sound nonchalant. "Nothing to worry about."

Sharon's gaze lingered on Y/n for a moment longer before she turned back to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. "You should be more careful" she said flatly, closing the fridge and walking past Y/n without another word.

Sharon walked over and sat down beside Y/n, her presence immediately amplifying the tension in the air.

Y/n tensed even more, feeling her pants grow uncomfortably tighter as Sharon's robe gaped open slightly, offering a tantalizing glimpse of her chest in Y/n's peripheral vision.

"Let me help" Sharon offered coldly, reaching for the scissors on the table to cut the bandages on Y/n's hand.

"I can do it myself" Y/n insisted, her voice strained. She reached for the scissors, trying to take them from Sharon.

They began to struggle, both trying to control the scissors. In the midst of their tussle, the scissors slipped and cut through Y/n's shirt, the fabric parting to reveal her chest.

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