𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟬

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"You know, Sharon" Taecyeon said with a slight smirk, his tone laced with condescension

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"You know, Sharon" Taecyeon said with a slight smirk, his tone laced with condescension

"Y/n is quite an interesting choice. A bit of a funny thing, isn't it? Considering all the capable men around, like Mingyu here, it's curious that you'd partner with someone like Y/n."

Sharon's smile froze momentarily, a flicker of irritation crossing her features. She quickly regained her composure, though the undercurrent of tension was palpable.

"Mr. Taecyeon" Sharon replied evenly, her voice steady and controlled, "Y/n is an exceptional individual with a brilliant mind and unique capabilities. Our partnership has proven to be incredibly effective and beneficial."

Taecyeon raised an eyebrow, his smirk deepening. "Oh, I'm sure it has its benefits. But don't you think it might be more advantageous to align yourself with someone who comes from a similar background and has the same... interests?"

Mingyu, sensing the tension, shifted uncomfortably but remained silent, unsure how to interject.

Sharon's eyes narrowed slightly, her tone taking on a sharper edge. "Y/n's background and interests are precisely what make our partnership so successful. Diversity brings strength and innovation, something I believe you understand very well."

Taecyeon chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Of course, Sharon. I meant no offense. It's just... unexpected, that's all. But then again, I suppose that's what makes you stand out."

A sudden, unexpected laugh interrupted him. Y/n, who had been quietly observing from a distance, stepped forward with an amused grin.

"Stand out, huh? That's an interesting choice of words, Taecyeon" Y/n remarked, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Coming from someone who tries so hard to fit in with the crowd of mediocre businessmen."

Taecyeon's smirk faltered, his eyes narrowing slightly at Y/n's bold interruption. The surrounding guests, sensing the brewing tension, fell silent, their attention riveted on the unfolding exchange.

"Y/n" Taecyeon replied smoothly, though his voice held an edge, "I was merely complimenting Sharon on her unconventional choices."

Y/n's grin widened, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, I got that. But you see, true innovation and success come from embracing the unexpected, not from sticking to the old boys' club mentality."

Taecyeon's expression hardened, his composure slipping ever so slightly. "And you think you represent that innovation?" he asked, his tone challenging.

Y/n stepped closer, her posture relaxed but her words sharp. "Absolutely. Unlike some, I don't rely on family connections or outdated traditions to get ahead. I bring something fresh, something different to the table. And clearly, Sharon recognizes that value."

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