𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟭

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As Y/n finally arrived home, she noticed the light in the kitchen was on

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As Y/n finally arrived home, she noticed the light in the kitchen was on. She walked towards it, her footsteps echoing softly in the quiet house. When she reached the kitchen, she found Sharon standing at the sink, washing dishes.

Y/n leaned against the doorway, her hand dramatically placed over her heart. "You know" she began, her tone playfully exaggerated, "I think I might be dying. That last hit really got me."

Sharon, not even glancing back, continued scrubbing a plate. "You seem fine to me" she replied, her voice cool and indifferent.

Y/n pouted, stepping closer. "No sympathy for your heroic wife? I could be bleeding internally, you know."

Sharon sighed, placing the plate on the drying rack. "If you're dying, you should probably sit down."

Y/n chuckled, appreciating the subtle concern hidden beneath Sharon's cold exterior. "I think I'll survive. But seriously, Sharon, are you okay?"

Sharon finally turned to face Y/n, her eyes betraying a hint of the worry she tried to mask. "I'm fine. You should take care of yourself."

Y/n smiled, touched by the underlying concern. "I'll be fine. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Sharon resumed her dishwashing, but Y/n could see her movements were a bit gentler now. "I'm fine" she repeated, her tone softer.

Y/n watched her for a moment, feeling a warm sense of appreciation for the woman who, despite her cold demeanor, cared deeply. "Alright" Y/n said, stepping back. "But if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me."

Sharon didn't respond, but Y/n could see the faintest smile playing at the corners of her lips. With a final glance, Y/n left the kitchen, feeling a strange mix of exhaustion and contentment.

Y/n leaned back on the couch, letting out a big sigh as the weight of the day's events finally caught up with her. She closed her eyes, hoping for a moment of peace. Just as she started to relax, something landed on her chest with a thud, making her cough and sit up in shock.

It was a first aid kit.

Y/n looked up to see Sharon standing there, arms crossed, her expression as unreadable as ever. "What the—"

"Don't" Sharon cut her off sharply. "Just use it. You need to clean those wounds."

Y/n blinked, still processing the abruptness of the situation. "I was going to, but—"

"No excuses" Sharon interrupted again, her tone firm. "Just do it."

Y/n couldn't help but smile at Sharon's way of showing concern. She picked up the first aid kit, opening it up and starting to tend to her injuries. "You know, you could just say you care" Y/n teased, glancing up at Sharon.

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