𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟴

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The next morning, Y/n and Sharon were already at the grand ball venue, ensuring everything was perfect for the evening's event

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The next morning, Y/n and Sharon were already at the grand ball venue, ensuring everything was perfect for the evening's event. The ballroom glittered with chandeliers, and tables were elegantly set, awaiting the guests.

Sharon walked ahead, her eyes scanning every detail critically. "Y/n, check if the flowers on the centerpieces are fresh enough. They should be perfect."

Y/n sighed, her irritation barely concealed. "Sure, Sharon." She walked over to the nearest table and inspected the flowers, gently touching the petals. "They're fine. Fresh as they can be."

"Good. Now, make sure the silverware is polished" Sharon ordered without a second glance, moving to another part of the room.

Y/n gritted her teeth but complied, grabbing a cloth and starting to polish the silverware. "You know, you could say 'please' once in a while."

Sharon glanced back at her, a smirk playing on her lips. "We're here to make sure everything is perfect, not to exchange pleasantries. Now, did you check if the tablecloths are properly aligned?"

Y/n rolled her eyes but walked over to adjust the tablecloths. "Yes, Sharon. Anything else? Maybe you'd like me to fetch your slippers or bring you a drink?"

Sharon's smirk widened. "No need for sarcasm, Y/n. Just make sure the sound system is set up properly."

Y/n muttered under her breath, "I'm not your servant, you know." But she headed over to the sound system anyway, checking the connections and testing the microphones.

Sharon walked over, watching her work with a critical eye. "And when you're done with that, make sure the lighting is perfect. We can't afford any mistakes tonight."

After Y/n tested the sound system, she turned to Sharon with a hint of exasperation. "There, it's all set. Anything else, Your Highness?"

Sharon crossed her arms and looked at Y/n sternly. "Yes, actually. Just a reminder, Y/n: I am still your boss, and you're working in my company. So, if I give you tasks, I expect you to do them without the attitude."

Y/n clenched her jaw, trying to keep her temper in check. "I get it, Sharon. But a little appreciation wouldn't hurt."

Sharon's expression softened slightly, though her tone remained firm. "I do appreciate your work, Y/n. But right now, we need to focus on making sure this event is flawless."

As Y/n and Sharon continued their preparations, the tension between them palpable, they were suddenly interrupted by a booming voice echoing through the ballroom.

"Well! What do we have here?"

A woman with a commanding presence and an unmistakable aura of confidence strode into the room. Her vibrant dress and bold demeanor immediately drew everyone's attention.

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