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Inside the restroom, Y/n leaned against the door, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and doubt

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Inside the restroom, Y/n leaned against the door, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and doubt. She couldn't understand her arranged wife, Sharon. The complexity of Sharon's personality baffled her, making it difficult to reconcile the cruel, volatile woman with the person she occasionally glimpsed.

Y/n thought back to the moments at the farm, where Sharon interacted with the animals with such genuine care and tenderness. There was something inherently good in those moments, something that contradicted the sharp, defensive exterior Sharon usually displayed.

Y/n believed deeply that animals had an instinct for sensing good in people, and the way they responded to Sharon suggested there was more to her than met the eye.

Leaning her head back, Y/n sighed. "Why is it so hard to understand you, Sharon?" she muttered to herself, frustration mingling with a strange, reluctant admiration. "How can someone so capable of kindness be so closed off and angry?"

The memory of Sharon's genuine laugh in the car, sparked by Hana's joke, came back to her. It was a moment of pure, unguarded joy, a glimpse into a softer side of Sharon that Y/n rarely saw. She had felt her own heart quicken at the sight, a reaction she didn't quite understand but couldn't ignore.

As she wiped the blood from her hand, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Sharon than the cold, hostile front she put up. But how was she supposed to break through those walls when Sharon was so determined to keep her out?

Y/n looked at herself in the mirror, her reflection showing the strain and confusion etched across her face. She glanced down at her bleeding palm, the pain a stark reminder of the dangers and complexities of her mission.

"I must still continue my mission" she whispered to herself, trying to reaffirm her resolve. The words felt heavy, almost forced, as if she was trying to convince herself as much as anyone else.

Suddenly, a flashback of Sana's voice echoed in her mind.

"Don't get too attached"

The memory was sharp and clear, a stark reminder of the stakes and the risks involved.

Y/n sighed deeply, feeling the weight of those words. She turned on the faucet, letting the cold water run over her hands, washing away the blood and the doubt. She splashed her face, the coolness bringing a brief respite from the turmoil inside her.

Y/n stepped out of the shower, her shirt clinging to her damp skin, hair slicked back, still wet from the water. She felt thirsty and disoriented, craving something to drink. Making her way to the kitchen, she pulled open the refrigerator door and her eyes fell on a carton of milk. It seemed like the perfect remedy for her dry throat.

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