𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟱

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After the occasion, the night air felt thick and heavy as Sharon drove to her parents' mansion, her mind a tumult of conflicting emotions

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After the occasion, the night air felt thick and heavy as Sharon drove to her parents' mansion, her mind a tumult of conflicting emotions. She knew she had to face her mother, but the dread of the inevitable confrontation gnawed at her.

As Sharon walked up the familiar steps of the grand mansion, the door opened, revealing her mother standing in the dimly lit foyer. Her expression was a storm of anger and disbelief.

Before Sharon could utter a word, her mother raised her hand and slapped her across the face, the sound echoing through the spacious hall. The force of the blow made Sharon's head snap to the side, but she stood her ground, her jaw clenched in defiance.

"You married a Cassano?" her mother spat, her voice trembling with fury. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Sharon's father appeared in the doorway, his expression a mix of concern and confusion. Her mother turned to him, her eyes blazing. "What's this all about?! Cassanos are a threat! How could you let this happen?"

Sharon's father looked between his wife and daughter, his face pale. "I thought it was a good alliance" he stammered, clearly caught off guard by the revelation.

"I had no idea Y/n was a Cassano."

Sharon, regaining her composure, looked her mother square in the eyes. "This was my decision" she said firmly. "I did what I had to do for our family and our business."

Her mother shook her head, disbelief still etched on her features. "You have no idea what you've brought into our lives, Sharon. The Cassanos are dangerous. This marriage... it's a disaster waiting to happen."

Sharon stood her ground, the sting of the slap still fresh on her cheek. "I know what I'm doing" she insisted, though the uncertainty in her voice betrayed her. "We have to adapt, to survive."

Her mother sighed, the anger in her eyes giving way to a weary resignation. "I hope you know what you're doing, Sharon" she said quietly. "For all our sakes."


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