𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟰

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"Faster, Y/n!"

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"Faster, Y/n!"

Y/n's grip on the gun tightened as they picked up the pace, her focus laser-sharp. They had to get out of there and figure out who was behind the attack.

Y/n's mind was already racing with possibilities and plans as they made their way to safety.

"Faster, Y/n!" Sharon's voice rang out again, her urgency growing with each passing second.

"Almost there" Y/n reassured, pushing herself to move even quicker. "Just keep moving."

They navigated the chaos, dodging debris and frantic employees. Sharon's constant urging,

"Faster, Y/n!" kept echoing in Y/n's ears, driving her forward with relentless determination.

Finally, they reached the exit. Y/n pushed the door open, ushering Sharon through before stepping out herself. They paused for a moment, catching their breath, the sound of gunfire still ringing in the background.

"We made it" Y/n said, her voice breathless but relieved. She looked at Sharon, who was still clutching the milkshake, a look of disbelief on her face.

Sharon nodded, her voice shaky but resolute. "Let's not do that again."

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle despite the situation. "Agreed. Now, let's get somewhere safe and figure out our next move."

With that, they moved away from the building, ready to face whatever came next together.

As they made their way through the chaotic streets, Y/n kept a steady pace, her mind focused on getting them to safety. Sharon, however, was struggling to keep up, her high heels slowing her down considerably.

"Y/n, wait up!" Sharon called out, her voice strained as she tried to navigate the uneven pavement in her heels.

Y/n glanced back, a look of exasperation crossing her face. "Sharon, you need to keep moving. We're almost there."

"I'm trying, but these damn shoes—" Sharon began, but her complaint was cut short by the sudden sound of gunshots ringing out again, closer this time.

Without hesitation, Y/n turned back, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the situation.

She grabbed Sharon by the waist and hoisted her onto her shoulder in a fireman's carry, ignoring Sharon's startled yelp.

"What the—Y/n, put me down!" Sharon protested, but Y/n was already moving, her pace quick and determined.

"Not a chance" Y/n replied, her tone firm. "We don't have time for this."

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