Chapter Three

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A scruffy lovable looking Pikachu paced outside a huge looming Guild, shaped as a smiling Wigglytuff. There was a grated hole directly in front of the door, the little guy was eyeing the place with fear in his eyes. "No. I have to see this through!" He hissed determinedly, stepping delicately onto the grate. "Pokémon detected! Pokémon detected!" Cried a voice, blasting up unexpectedly at the little guy, he practically jumped out of his skin, electricity crackling at his red cheeks.

He leapt off the grate and the voice dyed down, leaving him shell-shocked. Realizing that he'd blown what he thought was his only chance, disappointment crept through him. Letting out a sigh of utter frustration, he grumbled, "I can't do this... " His face expressing his discouragement. "Even with my Relic Fragment... I couldn't do it..." The sad little Pokémon trotted away from the looming Guild, his shoulder's slumped in depression. Little did he know two purple Pokémon had been watching him, their greedy eyes fixed on the ancient looking treasure he'd called Relic Fragment.

As soon as he had left, they popped out of their hide spot, "That wimp... he had something good." Muttered one of them, "Do we go after it?" Hissed the other, turning to face him, he nodded, "We do."

The small Pikachu was walking out on a beautiful sandy beach, Krabby's were gathering around the rocks and shallow pools, blowing bubbles into the sunset. The wave's reflected the bubble's light, making them glitter in the suns dying rays. A smile crept across his face, "Whenever the Krabby comes out like this to blow bubbles... with the sun reflecting off the waves, it always beautiful..." As the sun sunk closer to the horizon, he closed his eyes briefly, allowing himself to bask I the sun's warm rays.

"This is where I come when I feel sorry for myself... eh?" He muttered, talking to no one in particular. "Well, it always does seem to lift my spirits..." He started walking aimlessly to one side o the beach, pondering over what to do. Only then did he spot the limp body of a little Pokémon unconscious on the sandy shore. "Whoa! Someone's dead on the sand!" he exclaimed in horror, rushing forward in a haste to help the fallen Pokémon. "Hey! Miss, wake up!"

The dizziness was swirling in my mind, the depth of the blackness stunning me. I heard a male voice calling me, I blinked against the dimmed light that met my eyes as I lifted my lids. I found myself staring into the face of a worried Pikachu with a scruff of fur atop his head and a round, lovable face. "Where am I...?" I whispered, sitting myself up.

"Hey you're okay, that's a relief! You were deathly still on the sand, scared the living daylights out of me!" I stared at him in bewilderment, trying to figure out where I was. I couldn't remember... the thought struck me down, I was weak and alone. I couldn't remember...

"You're nothing but a worthless human, dear Lauren. Never forget that."

The eerie deep voice floated in my mind, it made me shiver with fear. I searched for more, but I couldn't remember anything at all, except that voice... "Uhh... Hey miss, are you ok?" The Pikachu murmured, waving a paw in front of my face. "Huh? Oh, yes... it's just, I think I'm a human." He arched an eyebrow at me, "Hah? A Human? You defiantly look like an Eevee to me."

A jolt of shocked and surprise zinged through my veins. Eevee? I stumbled away from him, splashing my paws – Oh my... I had paws. The water stirred around, agitated. As I stood still, soon it became still. I saw myself, I was an Eevee. My eyes were wide and scared with confusion, one of my ears was croocked and my fur looked ruffled and messy. The Pikachu watched me oddly, "You sure are weird Eevee?" He laughed, jutting out a hand. "Well, how about a bit of an introduction? What's your name, Fluffy?"

I recalled what the voice had said; "You're nothing but a worthless human, dear Lauren. Never forget that." Lauren... he had said 'Lauren '. I looked up at him; he was impatiently waiting for my answer. "My name's Lauren." He looked me over again and then nodded slightly. "Gotcha, you don't seem to be a bad guy at least." He shot a cocked smile at me like it was a compliment. "There seem to be a lot more baddies around as of late. Just more ass to kick, I guess." It was rather obvious he was making an effort to radiate a cool aura. I opened my mouth to respond to his words but didn't have time, as a shady looking Koffing slammed himself into the Pikachu, sending him sprawling on the floor.

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