Chapter Nine

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Raiden raced ahead of me, his tension was so intense electricity was crackling at his red cheeks. "Raiden! Over there!" I gasped, nudging his side to show him a very distressed Marill, pacing back and forth.

"Marill!" Called Raiden, bolting up to the little blue Pokémon, "Raiden, and Lauren too, Mr. Drowzee and Azurill disappeared! I was following them, and then I got lost..." I shot a determined look at Raiden, he returned a heated expression, we were both thinking the same thing, this was no accident. "Marill, it's very important you show us where they've gone!"

"Is it up this mountain?" Marill nodded, sniffling slightly. "Please find my brother!" My intensified gaze softened, "I swear we, Team Rigorous, will bring Azurill back safe and sound!" I whispered, kneeling down to Marill's height. "T-Thank you!" Raiden smiled at him encouragingly, "Be brave until we get back!" He grabbed my scruff tenderly from behind, yanking me gently to my feet. "Let's go!"

I was huffing and puffing, keeping a firm hold on Raiden's tail so I didn't slow the pace. "This... mountain sure is steep..." I murmured, struggling to keep up with the swift little mouse Pokémon. He noticed me straining to maintain the speed behind him and instantly slowed his pace. "Are you alright?" I nodded, stopping for a moment to catch my breath, Raiden sure was fit.

My sensitive ears pricked at the scuttling sound of many legs, my head snapped up as I noticed a Spinarak launching a string shot attack at Raiden from behind. "Raiden, look out!" Raiden squealed, leaping out of range. Unfortunately, as Raiden lept out of the way I was fully exposed to the string shot attack.

I emitted a muffled cry as the sticky web slammed into me, I struggled vainly against the tendrils, the strong strands of web wrapped tightly around my body, binding me. Then, more Spinarak's darted out, there were millions of them!

We must have strayed into an entire hive of Spinarak's. Two swiftly scampered over to me. I let out a scream, struggling against the web. Raiden was doing his very best to dodge many streams of string shot's shooting around him, he lithely weaved through the shimmering white webs, when he noticed me writhing under a bundle of webs.

I felt pincers grasping the back for my webs, dragging me clumsily along the ground. I flailed violently, and tried to gnaw through the web gagging me; it tasted foul. I stretched my head backward, only then did I see that the Spinarak's were hauling me towards a large spider web of theirs. I also noticed that there were large clumps of web shattered throughout the beautifully weaved web as if it had once held prisoners like myself. What had happened to them was a question I was not about to find out.

I kicked out my legs, whamming into one Spinarak, making a satisfying smacking sound. I twisted around, yanking myself out of the grip of the remaining Spinarak tugging me to the sticky glomp of a web. I finally managed to tear through my gag with my teeth, and as I was about to call for help I saw another string shot flying towards my face. I tried to dodge out of the way, but I was still too slow. The web painfully struck my face, blinding and, once again, gagging me.

I couldn't see a thing, and the webbing was creating a massive pressure headache due to the tightness around my head. I started powerfully thrashing against the bindings, despite been securely bound in a sticky glop, I felt myself hit hard against any Spinarak who came to close. I'd make sure that all of them were submerged in a world of pain before I was taken, victim!

Two Spinarak shot me with a cutting poison sting, one needle pierced into my ribcage, making me grimace. I felt the venom seeping throughout my body, I shuddered into the pasty web, pain throbbing where the violet needle had skewered itself lightly into my hide. It wasn't at all deep, it had only just caught under my skin, but the poison had somehow spread through me.

The Spinarak quickly latched his pincers into the web and started tugging me towards the web again, sensing me weakening. I tried to open my eyes that were forced closed with sticky, white web and heard a scream. Mustering up my strength, I began clawing desperately at my face, and as if by divine intervention, the web on my eyes fell off. I stared in horror as Raiden was struck down with a glob of web being blasted into him. Spinarak scuttled over to him and started pulling him along with me.

I felt rage pulse throw my veins, no one hurts my partner! Not while I was around! These Spinarak were going down!

With my newly found vigor, I struck out with my feet again, landing a clean double kick to one of the Spinarak's face. Forcefully throwing myself forward in a sitting position, I desperately clawed at the rest web encasing me. One Spinarak lunged forward with a string shot aimed for my eyes, I quickly ducked back under the attack, my back striking the floor hard. Tiny sharp rocks finding they way into my skin through my fur.

I thrust myself to the side, rolling into another Spinarak. I collided solidly with the spider Pokémon, squashing it into the ground. Another one lunged at me, using its pincers to try and rip at me. I hit it with a tackle attack, meeting it head to head. The little spider's move went askew, and the pincers ended up tearing through part of my web ropes instead of me.

Once again, I mustered up as much strength as I could, and tore myself the rest of the way free. I quickly brushed my face with my paw, wiping away the disgusting web stuck to myself. The Spinarak clicked their pincers in aggravation, crowding around me with glaring eyes. I crouched down, spitting at them. "Bring it on!" I roared, scraping the ground with my foot as I charged forward, bowling through three Spinarak's.

Two rays of poison sting were shot at me, and I ducked under them. However, I was still a little too slow as I felt one needle pierce the scruff around my neck, thankfully it was only the fur. I smashed past them and leaped over to Raiden, who was watching with an awed expression. I position myself into a protective stance over Raiden and growled furiously at the Pokémon, baring my teeth.

They seemed to decide that we weren't worth the trouble. Grumbling, they darted up into the trees, using their webs as makeshift grabbing hooks. I latched my teeth into the side of Raiden's web, and tore him free. He ripped the web that was gagging him away, "Lauren that was amazing!" He gasped, embracing me in a tackle hug. I felt a blush creep into my cheek, "It was nothing..." I murmured, "Are you kidding? There were millions of those Pokémon and you scared them all off!" I looked down, it would be cool if it was exactly as he said, but that wasn't it.

I wasn't being brave or using some sort of amazing fighting skills. I just refused to give up, to put it bluntly, I'd just kept stubbornly resisting till they gave in, it wasn't a miracle. I was just being downright difficult... "C'mon, let's get out of here before they come back!"

I let out a sigh of relief as we reached the summit, breathing in the fresh air. "Okay, Azurill should be around somewhere..." Muttered Raiden, then he let out a shocking cry of alarm, "Lauren! Look!"

As I stared at the scene, I felt shocked coursing throw me. I was watching my vision play out before my eyes.

Hello, hello! I feel as though this is one of the weaker chapters in this story. I've never been very good at writing fight scenes, even though they're one of my favorite thing to read lol. What's your favorite type of scenes in a book? Anyways, hope you enjoyed! HAVE AN INCREDIBLE DAY, YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON!

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