Chapter Seven

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"UP AND AT 'EM! IT'S MORNING!" I was blasted awake by the horridly loud voice of Loudred; Raiden screamed jumping up with messy bed-hair. He groaned, curling back up in his bed, "Just five more minutes..." I grinned slightly, grabbing his tail. "Let's get moving Sparks. I don't want to repeat what happened yesterday." I snickered, dragging him off the bed. He blinked twice, "Heh, Déjà vu?" He grinned mischievously, leaping to his feet. He shook his lightning bolt shaped tail out of my paws and pushed roughly past me, "Last one there has to explain to Chatot why we slept in!" He smirked at me, bolting down the hallway fast as lightning. I let out a squeak, "Hey! That's not fair!" I whined, swiftly chasing after him, my paws barely skimming the ground.

Raiden started to slow as he reached the end of the hallway. Unexpectedly, I barreled into him at the end of the hallway, "This is what cheaters get!" I giggled, tussling with him, we rolled out of the hallway into full view of the others. We squealed childishly, trying to win the mock fight. Chatot let out an annoyed squawk. "Ahem!" I froze to grin sheepishly at Chatot, while Raiden, who had his teeth fixed in my ear, proceeded to stop tugging at it. "Mrff-frr mrffm." He murmured around a mouthful of my fur. I pulled it out of his mouth forcefully and batting him with one paw, "Great now I need a bath."Chatot glared at us impatiently, "Get in line, rookies!" We scuttled to our places, smoothing out our ruffled fur. The other Guild members looked rather amused, all expect Chatot and Loudred. Guildmaster Wigglytuff then jaunted into the room and threw his arms in the air, "Time for our morning chant!"

"One! Don't shirk work!" Since this time we knew the words, the whole room shouted at full volume. "Two! Runaway and pay!" Raiden was trying his best to shout louder than me, but I wasn't making it easy for him. "Three! Smiles go for miles!" I beamed, "Ha! I yelled louder than you!" He crossed his arms, trying to look stubborn but he kept accidentally smiling.

"Did not!"

"I so did too!"

"You so did not!

"Diiiiid toooooo!"

Chatot stomped his talon on the ground, "SHUSH!" We quieted down at that, trying not to giggle. Chatot eyed us with an exasperated expression, "Time to get to work everyone!"


Raiden looked around as everyone else dispersed, "Uh... okay. What now, do we go to the bulletin board? Hey, Feathers, what do we do?" He waved at Chatot, who turned around to look at us with a slowly rising irritation. "Come with me, I'll show you." He squawked blandly, gesturing for us to tag along behind him. We followed him eagerly; Raiden was so fervent he was running on all fours enthusiastically. He led us to the room that had the bulletin board, we started to head towards it but Chatot stopped us in our tracks.

"We're taking a job from this side of the room, from this board." He motioned towards a board on the other side of the room, leading us edgily towards it. Raiden looked at the two different boards with a confounded expression pasted on his face, looking from board to board. "What's the difference, Feathers?"

He clamped his beak shut firmly as if restraining himself from impulsively snapping at the mouse Pokémon. "Take a closer look." He finally murmured coolly, I was impressed with his self-control. Raiden leaned in to stare at the panel, "Cool! Look at all these pictures of different Pokémon; they all look totally awesome! Are they famous explorers?" His two paws were pressed up against the board, he squeaked out the last sentence looking up at Chatot with glimmering eyes. Chatot shook his head sharply, "They are... wanted outlaws." Raiden squealed, jumping away from the board like it had nipped him. "These are bad guys?"

"Heh, yeah. Totally awesome right." I laughed quietly, teasing him lightly. He rolled his eyes at me. Chatot continued pointedly, "Yes, and since they're wanted there are bounties on their heads." Raiden let out a squeak that sounded a little frightened; I felt concern for him washing over me.

"Your kidding right? We don't have to actually go catch these criminals?" Whispered Raiden, looking fixedly at the ground his eyes filled with dread, trembling slightly. Chatot nodded at him, "That is correct." Raiden looked up quickly, shaking his head violently. "I can't do that, Feathers!" Chatot narrowed his eyes, "Why not? Some are merely insignificant thieves, even weak enough for rookies like you to take down." Raiden looked livid at the prospect of being weak, "Lauren is not weak!" I felt my heart skip a beat from sheer surprise. Raiden wasn't mad that Chatot had called him weak, he was angry Chatot had called me weak.

Chatot muffled a sigh, "You two are worse then Loudred!" He snapped fervidly, "But if you're going to take on a scoundrel, you'll need a tour of the facilities. Bidoof!" A plump brown Pokémon scrambled clumsily down the ladder, his cheeks flushed from excitement as he scrambled over. "You called?" Chatot nodded at me and Raiden, "Please show these two around."

Chatot turned and spread his wings, flying up at ladder; probably to go and do some work. Bidoof turned towards us, his mouth open to say something but then he stopped, tears welling up in eyes. "Whoa, what's got you worked up?" Raiden asked in concern, "What's wrong?" I muttered, echoing him.

The little Pokémon sniffed, trying to contain himself. "Oof... Getting mighty emotional... Before you two joined I was the rookie here, I'm so happy there's someone junior to me." Raiden smirked, "Glad to be of service." Bidoof gulped a shaky breathing, his unspilled tears drying. "Oof... okay, come on then!"

Bidoof lead us out to Treasure Town, a lively place where you could get shopping and what not done. The whole place was bustling with busy Pokémon doing their daily shopping. The shops were rather fancy with equally fancy looking Pokémon sitting behind their counters; there was a Duskull in a place stuffed with heavy bags of Poké, a bank I was guessing. There was a Teddiursa and Ursaring chatting outside a yellow shop that seemed to be closed. And there was the Spoink we had helped who was bouncing around outside a huge place that looked like some kind of Dojo.

"Oh, I know all about Treasure Town." Bragged Raiden, placing his paws on his hips and smirking, "That's Duskull bank, give him your Poké and no bad guy will get their hands on it! That's Electrive Link shop, but Electrive's not there. And up ahead are the Kecleon brother's store for orbs, TMs, and everything really. Lastly, there's Kangaskhan storage! Leave stuff there and a nice lady Kangaskhan takes care of the stuff for you, she's got a cute little baby too!"

Bidoof shuffled his feet on the ground and smiled at Raiden, "I guess you already know tons, yup, yup! Why don't you two go get your shopping done? I'll wait for you at the Guild so we can pick a criminal for you to take down." Raiden nodded, looking at all the different shops. "I suggest we go to the Kecleon's place, they've got tons of stuff!" I nodded at him, "If you say so."

Raiden was engrossed in deep conversation with Kangaskhan; she was a nice lady and she obviously cared deeply for Raiden. I smiled to myself; Raiden was quite a popular Pokémon around Treasure Town. Almost everyone knew him and liked him. I hadn't a clue who anyone was, and just to add to my stress a female Teddiursa, the one that hung around with a burly gruff guy Ursaring, kept shooting me icy glares.

What's her deal? I hadn't even said a word to her. The thought plummeted through my stomach, making me feel horrible. She followed Raiden and I with her eyes as we made our way around Treasure Town, always giving Raiden smiles while piecing me with glares. Did she have a crush on Raiden? She didn't think I was trying to get into a relationship with Raiden, did she? I shuffled my paws, wandering to Duskull bank, may as well make sure our Poké was cared for.

Only then did I notice Teddiursa growling at me. I did my best to smile at her, but she just narrowed her eyes. I sighed and decided I'd better dust off my new rivalry with her if I wanted to feel okay about being friends with Raiden.


The word crossed my mind over and over, was he really just a friend to me? I searched my emotion, only then did I realize my growing affection for the little Pikachu.

Damn it. I was developing feelings for Raiden.

Is it just me, or is Lauren falling for Raiden real fast?  Lol. It's been like 3 or 4 days since they met? Lol. Is that a normal amount of time for a crush to form? Anyways, I HOPE YOUR DAY IS AMAZING, YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON!

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