Chapter Thirteen

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Raiden stomach growled loudly as if it was taunting him, screaming, "Feed me, damn it!" Raiden pouted angrily, glaring at Chatot while rubbing his stomach. I swear that bird was thriving at the chance of eating in our faces while why were famished and starved.

The other apprentices didn't take any notice of us, they obviously had been through the same grueling fate before. Loudred was seriously peeved as well since we'd made him look bad since we didn't get a single Pokémon footprint right. Save the first one, but we took too long for that, it didn't even count.

His stomach growled again, making me wince, remembering that he hadn't taken much for breakfast, so he was probably suffering a lot more than myself. Raiden sat down on the floor, ignoring the consistent gurgles from his complaining tummy.

I had to admit my belly was aching too, but it didn't help that Chatot seemed to have that 'you deserve your punishment more then you know' attitude. This wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to sit here and watch them gobble up that delicious dinner... it looked so delectable it wasn't even funny...

Damn! Don't think about that. It's disgusting! Loudred sat on it, they're going to die of food poisoning! Raiden's ears twitched in agony as he watched. I felt a pang of sympathy for him after Chatot left, he'd gotten the loudest scolding I'd ever heard from Loudred, the purple Pokémon had been beyond infuriated that he could have said something as stupid as Arceus.

Loudred had then turned on me, and given me another harsh name-calling contest, but it hadn't been nearly as bad as the one he'd delivered on Raiden. We thought the reason was that Raiden had answered the questions, and Loudred was hilariously awkward around girls, especially Sunflora.

"Okay, Fluffy, we've got to sneak out of here before I go crazy..." Raiden murmured to me, I blinked at him, damn him, he knew if it was up to me, I'd just sit here and endure like a good girl, but if he was going to go, he knew I couldn't help but trail him, closer than his shadow.

We slowly started to creep stealthily around the table, all the Guild members were so engrossed in their mound of food that they didn't notice us. Silent as a Banette, we kept low near the wall, hardly daring to take so much as the tiniest breath as we neared the door.

"HEY! What are you two doing?"

Raiden let out a shriek as all glinting pairs of eyes spun around to pierce them, "RUN FOR IT!" He screamed, bolting out of the room leaving me behind. "What the hell, Raiden!" Quickly, I sprinted after him. "Squawk, what are you waiting around for? STOP THEM!"

The only person that was looking calm was Wigglytuff, who was watching us with happy, calm eyes while dancing with a fat, perfectly red apple on his head. We screamed like hell, running around the assembly hall while we were chased. We were running for our lives.

Loudred, Croagunk, and Chatot were zooming after Raiden, who was doing an admirable job evading their grasp. While Corpish was scuttling after me, Sunflora and Chimecho close behind him. I pricked my ears at a shriek and skidded to a stop to see that Croagunk had caught Raiden with a Fake Out attack. I quickly backed up, trying to get away from the closing in apprentices, but soon felt the stone wall behind me, they'd cornered me.

I could just see the outline of Croagunk struggling with holding on to a flailing Raiden, but he was doing a pretty good job, Raiden wailed, trying to squirm out of the frog's grasp. All of a sudden, Corpish lunged at me, I jumped onto his back and squealed, barely dodging a Razor Leaf from Sunflora. I grinned, weaving around them and bolting for freedom.

Bolting for freedom, and landing right on Loudred. I let out a squeal, trying to writhe out of the purple Pokémon's iron-like grip. Loudred was pretty strong, but despite my desperate efforts, I couldn't break free.

Loudred and Croagunk threw me and Raiden askew on the ground in front of an enraged Chatot, Raiden landed on his side, wincing, while I skidded on my back, rolling over so I could sit up. Raiden pushed himself into a gauche position, grinning at Chatot sheepishly.

"You sure have caused a lot of trouble for newbie's." Chatot choked out, trying to contain his rage. "Luckily for you, the Guild master wants you to explore the Waterfall Cave tomorrow, so you'll need your breakfast." Raiden's eyes brightened, "Wait, you mean we finally get to go on a real exploration?" He gasped, starting to get excited.

"Yes. BUT this will not go unpunished!" We flinched at his words, Raiden even attempted to scramble backward away from him, but the older apprentices pushed him back. "Although more often then not, Raiden's the mastermind of your shenanigans, you're both guilty."

"So, therefore you're forbidden to sharing a room for two days." I blinked, opening my mouth to respond, but ended up spluttering like an idiot. "Raiden, for two days you will sleep in the boy's room instead of the rookie's room, and Lauren shall sleep with the girls."

"On another note, apprentices a guest is visiting the Guild tomorrow, a Persian named Strike, he might be staying for a few days, so be gracious to our guests, as always!" But at the gracious part, he shot a piercing glare at Raiden, obviously, that part was directed at him.

"Don't get your feathers ruffled" He grinned, "I'll be a 'good boy'." He said making quotes with his fingers. Chatot gave a little huff, "Off to bed!" He snapped, "You're NEW beds!"

I was awkwardly curled up in a small nest in the corner of the room, Sunflora and Chimecho were rather chatty, and it was exhausting to answer all their questions with as much enthusiasm as they threw them at me.

"Oh my gosh, I have the best idea!" Sunflora squealed, "Let's play truth or dare! Let's! It's a great way to get to know someone!" She squealed, shooting me a friendly smile. "Okay, Sunflora!" They both turned to me expertly pressing down on the peer pressure, and my sweatdropped.

"...Okay..." Why did I have a bad feeling about this?

I'm excited that some of the other characters in the story are being introduced. I've never been very good at truth or dare because if I don't wanna do something I'm not doing it! Lol. What about you all? HAVE A FANTASTIC REST OF YOU DAY, YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON!

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