Chapter Twenty-Two

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Once again, while the other guild members and I slept, three shifty pokemon stalked around the guild under the cover of night. "But, Chief... Why'd you bother helping out those chickens? Like, why did you give that big pink baby that perfect apple?" A shrill feminine voice broke the peaceful silents wafting throughout the guild, "Heh, heh, heh, We should have just watched them suffer. That would have been hilarious." Wheezing speech responded, a teasing nature surrounding it, "Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I bet it because of Chief having the hots for that Eevee girl-"

A sharp pop echoed through the halls, cutting off the wheezing figure's statement. "Whoa-ho-ho, that hurt chief-" "Shut up. Don't be stupid, and think strategically for once. Why'd we come here in the first place?" The scratchy voice was met only with silence. Annoyance was prickled off the scratchy voices words, "Arceus, you don't even remember why we're here! We need to get picked as members of the expedition!" A wave of understanding washed through the room, as the two subordinates simultaneously let out a call of understanding, "Ohhhh. "

"This guild has been a joke. They're Guild Master is nothing more than a big baby, and the guild members are all a bunch of wimps. How can you possibly be scared of that pink baby I'll never know, Chaw, haw-haw," the scratchy voice spoke with great condescension as his two lackeys laughed along. "Now, let's repeat the plan so you two dunces don't forget it. First, we get picked for the expedition and find the treasure..." The wheezing voice continued where the scratchy voice had left off, "We knock out the guilds crew..." Finally, the shrill voice brought the thought to a conclusion, "Then we snatch the treasure and skedaddle on out! Heh-heh, this plan is a sure thing." Their laughter could be heard as they wandered away.

"Sigh, why'd they even have to get all in our business in the first place!" Raiden had picked himself up off his bed and was now pacing and ranting, "Skuntank's team continues to do bad after bad and yet they're somehow still rewarded! Gaw!" He tugged his ears over his eyes with quite a bit of force before allowing his body to fall backward and plop onto his bed. We had done so much today, but I didn't feel as though I'd accomplished anything besides allowing my thought to get the best of me. Raiden, on the other hand, had earned a new sense of respect from me. He had conquered his fear of bad pokemon today, and even stood up to Chatot! However, in his fit of anger, I don't think he realized it.

"Hey, despite all the bad that happened today, you should be proud of yourself!" Raiden only huffed in response to my comment, "Oh yeah, for what? Failing the mission, getting my butt handed to me by Team Skull, not being able to protect you, probably losing our chance to go on the expedition." I just shook my head and responded, my voice soft and loving, "You should be proud that you stood up, to not only, to Team Skull but Chatot too." I got up from my bed and walked over to him, removing his ears from over his eyes and stared down at him. "You may not be proud of that, but I sure am." All my embarrassment surrounding my attraction for Raiden wasn't a concern for me right now. All I wanted was for him to understand how much I appreciate him, and how strong he was. Even if he's not the strongest physically or most sensible at times, he was the first pokemon to offer me help, he tries to always put me first, and I can always rely on his moral compass to point me in the correct direction.

We were staring at each other, perusing each other's features. The awkwardness that normally appears when we get into situations like this was non-existent, and a calm wave flowed between us. Suddenly, my stomach growled, jealous that I wasn't paying attention to my lack of food. Then, as if on cue, Raiden's stomach let out a loud grumble as well. The aura between us went from solemn to gladsome, and a blush finally made its long due appearance on our faces. "Staying awake like this won't help out hunger. Let's get some sleep," I smiled at him, his charming features drawing me closer to his face. My lips made contact with his cheek, and I quickly recoiled. All the embarrassment from our conversation and my current actions hitting me tenfold. The light shade of pink dusting my face busted into crimson red, as I sputtered, "U-uh, goodnight, Sparks! L-let's keep at it tomorrow, so we can make it on the expedition!"

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