Chapter Six

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Raiden stopped all of a suddenly, reading the paper mentally to himself. "HEY! This is just some sort of stupid item finding mission!" He spat tetchily, "Can't we do something, oh I don't know... USEFUL?" He crossed his arms over his chest immaturely, being stubborn as usual. Chatot hissed angrily flapping his wings heatedly, "HUSH! You will do as your Guild says!" He squawked petulantly, looking away from them with a scoff. Raiden still looks stubborn, glowering at a corner of the Guild. "Humph..." he pouted.

Chatot stalked away, back to his duties. Raiden grumbled cantankerously, his brow furrowed in his crankiness. "Bleh! This sucks, I want to do something way more essential!" I flicked my tail over his right ear frivolously, "Cool it Sparks, we have to master this before we conquer more challenging tasks. Who knows, we may even be superhero's by next week if we get on it." I teased lightheartedly. Raiden's scowl melted away only to be replaced by a smirk. That smile he always shot me with whenever he was pleased, his frown wasn't the only thing melting away either. I felt my stomach did a backflip when he had simpered at me.

"So how about a few details, where we going?" He blinked slightly; bringing his attention back to the task at hand. His grouchy moment seemed to have passed. As he scanned the paper. "It's a place called Drenched Bluff, we've got to grab some Spoink's pearl that they dropped." I nodded slightly, showing that I understood, "Then what are we standing around here for?" He shot me that special smirk of his, and we set off.

We eventually arrived at the marshy rocky bluff. "Ew, my feet are getting soggy," I whined, not liking the moisture soaking into the fur around and between paw pads. Raiden didn't seem to like the humidity either, "Well, let's get moving then, the sooner we get this pearl the sooner we can get back to the guild, right?" He muttered blandly, obviously, he couldn't think of much else to say. We trotted through the boulders marking the entrance to the mystery dungeon, "Let's get this done and over with!" I started making it obvious that I was not enjoying this mission.

We were walking silently through the dense dungeon; the place was probably swarming with water-type Pokémon, but was mutely calm for now. "And I thought this place was challenging." Grinned Raiden, resting his hands on the back of his head in a slapdash fashion, "Don't get too comfortable, I bet we'll run into—"I got cut off as a splashing water gun pounding into my side, knocking me down. Raiden spun around in a blast of electricity aimed at the Pokémon; I groaned in dizziness but jumped to my feet anyway and ran to join Raiden in the battle. I spotted Raiden zapping a Shellos down, the little slimy pink Pokémon was knocked out from the spectacular electric attack.

"I told you so!" I grumbled, but not in an exceedingly grouchy way. He had come to my rescue my rescue, after all. "You're welcome." He responded smugly, arching an eyebrow at me. He walked backward away from me, doing some sort of a strange dancing movement with his hands reminiscentof a Drowsee. Only then did I notice he was walking right towards a Wooper. I pounced at the water pokemon with a Flail attack, knocking it out. Raiden flinched, turning slowly around. "Uh... call it even?" I grinned at him, "Precisely." He gestured towards an exit, "C'mon, let's keep going!"

We were moving more warily now, and the wild Pokémon didn't stand a hint of a chance against our well-aimed attacks. Soon, we reached the end of the muggy dungeon. I blinked against the sun glaring into my eyes, "Hey, it's a strawberry marshmallow!" Squeaked Raiden, running forward to a pink sparkly sphere. "That's no marshmallow Sparks, its Spoink's pearl!" Raiden's sweat dropped, looking sheepish. "Oh. I knew that." He scooped the gleaming semiprecious stone in his yellow paws, "Let's get this beauty back to Spoink then, eh?"

"Oh thank you!" Squealed the young Spoink, bouncing around with the pearl atop his head, "I just couldn't settle down without it on my head, so I bounced around and that's why I'm covered in dings and bumps." He twisted around a little in joy, "But thanks to you that long nightmare is over! You have my sincere thanks!" Raiden grinned widely at the little Pokémon, "No worries, kiddo." Spoink hopped over, "Here is your reward, thank you!" He handed Raiden three little bottles, and then a bag of Poké. "Whoa! That's three thousand Poké!" Gasped Raiden, clutching the bag in his paws his eyes wide.

"Of course! That's nothing compared to my pearls value, thank you again!" And with that, he sprung back up the ladder, off to celebrate. A gigantic beaming grin spread across Raiden's face, "We're rich, Fluffy! Filthy rich!" I held my paw up for a high-five; he slammed his hand onto mine, both of us beaming at each other. "Ha-ha, we could forget about this Guild and go off and start our own! I can buy a truckload of yellow gummis! Oh, and white ones of course. No wonder exploration teams are so—"Chatot flapped up in front of him, his eyes gleaming at the chance for revenge against Raiden for snapping at him.

"I'll be taking that money if you please." Raiden froze in shock, and there was a long silence. Raiden's screech split the air like a bullet, "WHAAT?" Chatot joyfully twitched his tail back and forth, "Yes! Most of the money you earn will go with the Guild... over all your share comes to this..." Chatot took the bag in his wings, picking out a feather full of Poké and handed it back to Raiden. Raiden stared at his now almost empty bag, "Huh? We only get three hundred? This is robbery, Feathers!" He whined, closing his fist around the coins and shaking it at Chatot.

Chatot's feathers ruffled in annoyance, "That is the rule of the Guild! Squawk!" He stalked off again; silently fuming, Raiden and Chatot really didn't get along too well. Raiden looked aggravated, twitching his tail. "That's unfair! I'll sue him!" I nudged him with my muzzle, "Sparks... cool it." He gave me an irritated look, then began to pace, but then stopped. "This Guild is guilty of theft and has stolen away my truckload of yellow and white gummis." I did a poor imitation of his cocked smile, "If you ate all of that you'd be one pudgy Pikachu, Sparks." He let out a ringing laugh, "Okay, so perhaps I'd have to give up team Rigorous for that." He laughed again, "All well, If nothing else I'm happy to be on an exploration team with you, Fluffy."

I looked at him, a bit taken aback by his boldness, as a blush crept into my cheeks. He let out a squeak of horror as he realized what he had said, "I-I mean... uhh..." A chiming sound of a bell came from the kitchen, saving him having to explain. Chimecho elegantly hovered out to smile at us, "I finished making dinner!" Raiden cheered, clapping his hands wildly while Loudred went a little crazy, spinning around like an actual lunatic. "We are enthusiastic for the grub!" Laughed Raiden.

I yawned while we slowly made our way to our bedroom, my paws moving slowly dragged down by my sleepy form. I had eaten to my heart's content, and with a bloated stomach and a smile on my face, I wanted to just curl up and sleep till noon. We finally reached our room, and we both jumped onto our beds in excitement. "Today sure was something, huh?" Breathed Raiden, settling down on his nest, I nodded "Yeah, even though we did get robbed." Raiden smiled, but this time it wasn't his cocked smirk, it was genuine. "Yeah, even though we ended up getting a small fortune taken from us, at least I've got an awesome girlfriend to spend this with me, right?" I flinched at the word girlfriend, my face burning. Raiden let out a yelp realizing his bad choice of words in his attempt to sound cool, "Wait, no! I didn't mean it like... I mean I like you but I-I... Uhh, sleep tight!" He hastily curled up turning away from me and let out loud fake snores.

Even though I could feel embarrassment creeping into my pelt, I couldn't help but smile. What a pair we made, as though we were born to get on Chatot's nerves. Soon, Raiden's fake snoring softened to deep regular breathing as his sleep take a hold of him. I felt my heavy eyelids drooping over my eyes, Goodnight... partner... I thought drowsily as I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Oh, snap, son! We got some fluffy sparks of romance blossoming up in heeerrrreee! Lol. Hope you are enjoying this so far. YOUR AMAZING, YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON!

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