Chapter Sixteen

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"Well, you're a fat over-grown mouse!"

"You're a sissy, squealing mutt!"

"You're an uncool bastard, and I never liked your hair!"

"WHOA! So uncalled for!"

So much for putting his faith in me. I growled, facing Raiden, my ears flat, and my eyes sparkling with anger, as Raiden was frantically smoothing the tuff of fur on his head. "Dude, why the hair?" He whined, only increasing my annoyance.

"Oh, because you were 'One hundred percent sure' it was the right path," I growled, my voice dripping with cold sarcasm, "I knew it was the left path! But, nooo! Someone just had to run off without listening to my reasoning." He stuck his tongue out, turning away and crossed his arms. "I thought it was!" He snapped, flicking his ears. Still extremely irritated at his immature attitude, I retaliated, "Also, if it hadn't have been for me we would've BOTH fainted and Chatot would've chewed our asses out!"

Raiden let out a heated shriek, whipping around to face me. "If it wasn't for me that Surskirt would've crushed you!" Getting right up in his face aggressively, I hissed, "If it wasn't for me it's brother would've smashed you!"

He paused, mouth hanging ajar, scrambling to think of a witting comeback. "... Damn it." He sighed, "...You're right." I felt the anger in my veins slowly ebbing away.

"We're okay then?" I grumbled, looking up. Raiden released another sigh, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Uh... Yeah." I huffed, getting to my paws.

"Aren't we forgetting something?" I murmured, pricking my ears, "Starts with the letter 's'." Raiden let out a loud humming sound, rocking on his heels while coughing loudly. "Sor...!" He coughed again, twitching his ears. "Sor—" Cough. "R-r-r..." Cough. "...y."

I rolled my eyes, "Uh, if you didn't notice..." I grumbled, "I didn't catch that." Raiden's sweat dropped, gulping, "Oh, alright." He blinked, grinning sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Fluffy." I smirked at him, raising my paw for a high-five.

He grinned, slamming his yellow, warm paw into mine. I cracked a smile, biting back the chuckle that sprung to my lips. "Let's get a move on then!" I turned around and flicked his side with my tail. "Only have about two or three floors to go, I think."

He let out a long, rattling sigh. "But that's AGES-! Oh hey, there's the exit!" Turning on my paws, I began to roll my eyes at him, "Your joking right? We just got to this floor. We can't be that close to the exit already—oh my word, the exit!"

Raiden grinned wildly as he bolted up the last set of stairs, letting out a shriek of delight, "We made it, Fluffy! We finally-" His body halted as quickly as his words had. With a gaping mouth, Raiden blurted, "HOLY SHIT! Look at the size of that gem!"

I blinked, slowly rounding the corner to stare at the humongous, glistening red ruby. "Wow. That's a big stone." I murmured, Raiden nodded meekly, sinking to his knees. "It's... beautiful...!" He gasped, throwing himself down like he was worshipping it. I let out a sigh, at his idiotic behavior, and tromped over to the bright chrisom gem. As I made my way up to the gem, I noticed that the entire platform was covered with different colored stones.

"Yeah, we defiantly have to bring this back with us! We'll be the talk of the town if we come back with this in tow!" I beamed. Standing shakily on my hind paws, I tugged sharply at the smooth edges of the gem. I let out a grunt, "The things sure is... stuck... good..." I growled between gritted teeth, trying to haul it out, only to feel my muscles going weak.

Letting out a grunt of annoyance, I stepped back, panting. "Damn..." I heard a small snicker from Raiden as he got it his paws, stretching out a smirking. "Never send a girl to do a man's job." I growled at him, "Maybe, fuck off? That'd be nice." Raiden chuckled at my ferocity, knowing deep down I didn't mean what I said. Grinning, he zoomed over to the gem, and started to pull with all his might.

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