Chapter Eleven

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"UP AND AT 'EM—" "Shut your big mouth! I'm trying to sleep!" Raiden snapped, sitting up to glare headedly at a verbally stunned Loudred, the Pikachu's yellow ear's twitching slightly with an air of irritation. I moaned groggily, covering my own throbbing eardrums. Who knew such a loud voice could be as dangerous as that?

"DON'T talk BACK to me you SMART ALECK mouse! GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GET TO THE MORNING BRIEFING! NOW!" I let out a squeal as he voice blasted out at me, Raiden wailed, rolling on the floor as the furious Loudred stomped out of our room. Raiden's sweat dropped, realizing what he'd done.

"Oh, brilliant idea, Sparks," I muttered sarcastically, cynically blowing my now floppy ear out of my squinting brown eyes. "You should apologize, you know." He huffed proudly, patting his chest with one paw while looking sophisticated. "Why would I? He's the one who tried to blow up my earlobes." I rolled my eyes, stumbling to my paws shakily.

"It's his job." Raiden's sweat dropped again, and then he grinned sheepishly. "I guess so... , but he doesn't have to be so annoyingly loud about it." I quickly smoothed out my ruffled brown fur, recovering from the brutal wake-up call. I flicked my thick-furred tail at Raiden's ear, my eyes good-humored, and a smile plastered on my lips. "Just apologize, Sparks... Oh!" I squeaked as I realized the amount of procrastination that was happening here, I grabbed Raiden's arm, tugging him towards the hall urgently. "We're late again! Move! Move!"

Squealing, we dashed towards the assembly room, blustering in with a fair amount of noise. Chatot ruffled his feathers, tapping his small talon on the ground impatiently in a strange, but musical rhythm as we scrambled hastily to our spots. "Late again rookies!"

"Okay everyone, time for our morning chants!" Raiden grinned at me, a mischievous smirk from which I returned, my eyes glistening in competitiveness. "Bet I can shout louder than you." He whispered in a teasing voice, the smirk still pasted on his face, making his cute, mature feature's look impish and mischievous. "Bring it on, Sparks."

"One! Don't shirk work!" Raiden screeched at the chant top of his lungs, making Chatot flinch at the scratchy shriek he shouted in, straining his lungs until they screamed as loud as his body would let him. I tried to hide my surprise at his sheer thunderous volume, there was no way I was going to let him win this! But, oh boy, he wasn't making this easy...

"Two! Runaway and pay!" This time, we both screamed at an ear-splitting pitch, at about equal shrill, thundering volume. The other apprentices cringed, tempted to cover their ears, the Chimecho and Sunflora from before were whispering to each other, giggling faintly as they shot glances at us from the corner of their eyes.

"Three! Smiles go for miles!" This time, we shouted even louder. Both of us combined were equal to Loudred's voice, and man was that something to be proud of! Bidoof was smiling slightly, shuffling his paws. He seemed to not mind to have us screeching around the assembly like two lunatics. I blinked, realizing that I still didn't know half of the apprentices.

I scanned my gaze over the Pokémon, the Chimecho and Sunflora, I knew them. Loudred, of course, Bidoof, Chatot, Wigglytuff... I turned my head to face the other ones, the other Pokémon was a slightly creepy Croagunk, croaking with no real rhythm and staring into a corner dully, supposedly not bothered by our shout-out. Another Pokémon was standing beside him, a young Corpish, clicking his pincers patiently while watching a fuming Chatot, the bird Pokémon's face was turning a shade of red as his fury grew.

Finally, behind them were a Diglett and Dugtrio, both watching a bragging Raiden dramatically laughing in a booming voice. I blinked, snapping back into reality, Raiden was laughing... He thinks he's won!

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