Chapter Twenty

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Loudred stormed into the rookie room, and was about to bellow the usual wake-up call, but paused when he entered. A chuckled escaped under his breath, the two rookies were perfectly curled up asleep together.

My fluffy body was curled up like a feline, while Raiden was sleeping in a more canine way, curled up against my side. His head rested on my back, like a little puppy dog. My fluffy tail was wrapped around Raiden's lightning-shaped tail, and both of us looked content and more peaceful than the waking world.

Loudred huffed, "HEY! Sorry to disturb you, but it's time to get up!" Our ears twitched crossly, and for a moment we tried to ignore the noise. Raiden eventually let out a sigh and pushed himself into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes.

"Time to get up already?" He murmured absentmindedly, "Ugh... and I'm still famished." He grumbled, and his stomach gave a tortured growl right on cue.

I kept my eyes shut, however the red haze I was seeing through closed eyes told me it was morning. The shifting of my yellow pillow convinced me that it was time to get up. I felt a prodding in my side and reluctantly opened one eye.

"Morning briefing?" I murmured groggily, looking at a just as tired Raiden. He nodded, "Come on, can't be late. You know how Feathers is." Failing to stifle a loud yawn, I blinked my eyes repeatedly before slowly padding out and down the hallway, Raiden lagging behind me.

"'Morning Sunflora." I mumbled, noticing the peppy Pokémon emerge from her room just as we passed.

"Good morning you two!" She smiled and waving at us before skipping down the hallway after Chimecho, who was already waiting in her spot. Neither of them looked nearly as tired as us. Well, no one did. No surprise really.

"C'mon Bidoof!" Called Raiden, who had poked his head into the guy's room and discovered Bidoof slowly dozing off against the wall, "You can't miss the morning briefing."

Bidoof seemed to snap out of the trance, "Oof! Sorry, I sort of dozed off for a second!" He said sheepishly, scrambling forward to his spot in the line.

I finally found my way to my usual spot next to Raiden, and turned attentively to the front, where Chatot stood. His head was held high and his feather's were ruffled, although apparently, he had nothing that important to say.

"One! Don't shirk work!"

"Two! Runaway and pay!"

"Three! Smiles go for miles!"

We all chanted in loud, clear voices, the usual preppy morning cheer seemed to snap us out of our grogginess. We grinned widely, waiting for our chance to really shriek. "Alright Pokémon time to get to work!"


Chatot jumped back a meter from the over-enthusiasm. We were so pumped we didn't even care that Team Skull up there sniggering all through the chants and guffawing at our gusto.

"Alright, you two." Chatot squawked, turning to face us with strict eyes as the other apprentices skipped off to do their usual work. "Today I'd like you to obtain stock to replenish the larder."

We both staring at him stupidly. "I'm all for it, Feathers. But... what do you mean stock to replenish the larder?" Chatot let out a huff. Slowly shaking his head, then explained at a snail's pace.

"I want you to refill our food stock. You see, the number of food we have in storage sharply dropped overnight. The worst part is, we're completely out of perfect apples. That was the only item that got completely cleaned out." He paused.

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