Chapter Eighteen

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"UP! GET UP!" My peaceful dreams were blasted away as a very rude and impatient Loudred bellowed at me. I winced loudly, rolling onto my side and groaning, covering my ears. "Loudred... it's early..." I murmured sleepily, failing to stifle a gigantic yawn. "Yeah..." Mumbled Raiden hoarsely, "Like... earlier than usual..." He rubbed his bloodshot eyes, letting out a weary sigh and curling back up.

"GET UP YOU LAZY PRE-EVOLVED... POKÉMON!" He snapped, "You need to be up early and alert to succeed at sentry duty! And I am NOT GOING to miss dinner again!" I sat up acutely, clutching my pounding head.

"Okay..." I sighed, wiping my face on the back of my paws. "You heard the man, up you get, Sparks." Raiden turned to look at us and stuck his tongue out. "Let me sleep a little longer." I rolled my eyes and prepared my muscles to pounce at him and force him up, but Loudred got there first.

"UP!" He snarled, storming in and grabbed his lightning bolt shaped tail, "I swear it's like I work with CHILDREN!" He roared, tugging him off the messy bed and down the hall.

Raiden was leaning on my shoulder, slowly dozing off, while my head was resting on his shoulder that was pressing against my side, both of us softly snoring. Loudred glowered furiously at us, stomping his foot, "Hey! WAKE UP!" I let out an alarmed cry, jumping to life while Raiden shrieked, falling to his paws in his haste to get away from the bellowing purple Pokémon. "Quit slacking off and get down to the sentry post!"

Raiden shot him a sloppily salute, and, quite literally, threw himself into the hole. He plummeted to the ground until we heard the sound of flesh hitting the rocky floor. "Alright... Oww... That woke me up..." Came Raiden's voice, slurred, pierced by a wince.

I swallowed hard, gripping onto the ladder and slowly shuffling downwards. "It's just a ladder..." I muttered to myself, "Stop being such a baby—" "ARE YOU IN POSITION YET?" I let out a scream as Loudred's powerful voice startled me so much I lost my grip on the ladder. Loudred blinked, looking guiltily as I fell out of his sight.
"... Oops."

The wind whooshed deafeningly against my fur, I whimpered loudly as I fell further and further into the dark. I let out a wail and squeezed my eyes tightly shut, and then felt myself collide...

With the earth? I had landed on oddly soft and squishy ground, and in the almost impossible to see through the dark, I could make out a tinge of yellow in it... and it was... squeaking.

Oh, wait...

"Sorry, Raiden!" I gasped, scrambling off the half-squished Pikachu. "Ah... It's alright." He muttered massaging his side, crying slightly, "Only cracked a couple ribs and deflated a lung... nothing serious." I rolled my eyes, but of course, he didn't see that in the dark and pull him to his feet. "C'mon... let's get into position."

Walking like zombies, we trudged warily through the inky blackness, constantly grappling around in the thin air, until a shaft of yellow light illuminated Raiden's fur. "Ah! There it is, Sparks." I smiled, gesturing upwards with my head.

It was the same grate from before, Raiden shot me a toothy grin, "Let's get this done!" I nodded, my face determined, but also semi-smiling. "Got it!"

A thin, tentacle-like footprint slithered onto the grate, blotching out the lit and leaving a perfect silhouette for us to ponder over. "It's a Tentacruel, definitely." I nodded, smirking. "Got to be." But Raiden was slowly shaking his head, "No, it's much too thin to be a Tentacruel. It's got to be a Tentacool."

I rolled my eyes, turning to face him defiantly. "Oh come on. There're way too many tentacles for it to be a Tentacool." I protested, squinting at the footprint. "Lauren, there's two tentacles." He murmured slowly.

"I know!" I snapped, "Okay, fine... it may be a Tentacool—" We both cut off, judging by the creaking sounds of the grate, the visitor had stomped off. "Oh, crap..." Raiden squeaked as another quickly stormed on, apparently, we'd kept them waiting.

It looked like a bird talon of some kind. "Pidgey." I nodded to myself, smirking my smug smirk again. Raiden rolled his eyes at me, his hands on his hips. "No, Starly." I glowered at him, my pelt bristling. "It's a Pidgey."







We both froze, they'd clambered off as well, only to be replaced by a small paw print. I grinned, I knew this one, if I knew nothing else. "It's an Eevee!" Raiden frowned, "What are you talking about, it's a Shinx."

"It's Eevee! I know what my own footprint looks like!" I laughed sarcastically, facing away from him and about to bellow up to Loudred. "LOUDRED, IT'S A SHINX!" Raiden shouted over me. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

"DAMN IT, RAIDEN! IT'S A SKITTY YOU IDIOTS!" We both flinched and grinned sheepishly at each other. "... Did you eat a big breakfast?" Murmured Raiden, I slowly shook my head ears drooping. "... We're so doomed."

"Let me review your sentry duty performance—Hey! Come back here!" We squeaked, and went back to hiding behind the Guildmaster's door, "No!" Cried Raiden, peeking out from behind my fur. "Why not? Come here and take whatever praise, or rebuke, you should receive!" Snapped Chatot, waving a scolding wing at us.

We both shivered, and just shook our heads. "No!" Chatot raised an eyebrow and turned to look at the report in his wing. "What's so bad about...?" He trailed off, his little beady eyes widening in horror – or perhaps fury – as he skimmed over their sentry duty report.

"GET. OVER. HERE." He shouted through a stiff beak, which he seemed to have forgotten how to open. "NOW!" We both whimpered and slowly slunk from behind the door, cowering under the bird's ferocious graze.

He ruffled his feathers so he looked bigger, and glared daggers down at us. "NO. DINNER." He finally spat out, "DISGRACEFUL. HORRIBLE. EMBARASSMENT." He proceeded to snarl insulting words at us, and then, much to my horror, he whipped around to start on Loudred.

"YOU OAF! THIS IS AS MUCH YOUR FAULT AS THEIRS—" I squeaked, remembering my promise to Loudred. "Ah, wait, Chatot!" I shouted, tugging free of Raiden's suffocating hug and bolting over to intercept him on his course to murder Loudred. "T-think about this for a second!" I panted.

"Loudred didn't do anything! W-we were the ones who messed up, if you want to punish someone, then punish team Rigorous! It wasn't Loudred's fault in any way, I swear! He's actually good at sentry duty!" I rushed all the words, so they all sounded rather slurred and rushed, and afterward, I had to gasp for breath, but Chatot seemed to catch every word.

"Fine!" He snapped, "You will miss out on dinner, and breakfast!" We both froze and listened to our already starved stomaches. "And that's that!" Raiden gawked at him, and a loud grumble from his stomach emitted into the air. "Oh man..." He whimpered." This is going to be a long night."


Another short sentry duty chapter. When will they learn that they need to work together? Maybe, just maybe in the next sentry unit chapter... or not! The world may never know! Lol.

Anyways, Team Skull needs to yeet before they get they asses beat! (10 house points to whoever caught my reference! :D) Lmao. Someone should animate Mystery Dungeon's Team Skull entering the guild dancing like Pokemon Sun and Moon's Team Skull! That'd be gorgeous! Lol. HAVE AN AWESOME REST OF YOUR DAY, YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON!

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