Chapter Fifteen

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I yawned loudly, rubbing my itchy, red eyes. Sunflora could almost yell as loud as her crush could. Plus, she hadn't got so much a wink of sleep.

After I'd escaped from the boy's torture, they'd forced me to fess up what I'd told the boys. Chimecho and Sunflora were surprisingly nice, understanding Pokemon, and had admitted it wasn't my fault that I spilled their secrets.

Besides, I'd blurted out my own secrets too, so it wasn't like I was trying to save myself. It was a desperate situation.

After that forgive and forget bonding moment between the older apprentices and myself, we'd stayed up all night. Chatot's demanding regulations forgotten, we chatting in hushed whispers about how we'd be able to face the other members in the morning.

But now the morning had come. And we had to face them, like it or not.

But, despite the hectic events of last night, I think I really bonded with Chimecho and Sunflora. Perhaps that was Chatot's plan all along, to get the apprentices familiarized with each other. Well, if it was his plan, he really is the head of intelligence at the Guild.

Chimecho floated out of the room gracefully, all grogginess deposed from her mind. Sunflora yawned in a shrill pitch and literally dragged me out by my tail. We scrambled to the assembly hall. I felt a small smile creep slowly over my expression and a faint feeling of attachment for Sunflora and Chimecho.

Understand, that I was barely older than a child. Actually, I might be a child. With my memory being completely wiped, I didn't even know my own age. It just so happens that not remembering anything also led to me feel like I had no family. No brothers, or sisters, mother, or father. ...Nothing.

In a way, I guess, the first instinct of my inner child, was to attach and declare different people my family, even if we're not really related.

Chimecho and Sunflora already felt like my older, wiser, big sisters. It was like they were there to give support, comfort me when I fought with friends, ease my girly, feminine needs, and supply good quality advice, unlike that crap that Loudred would give me.

Loudred, was like the big brother. Like, I couldn't really talk to him, but I could be friends with him and trust that he would give me the support that I needed when the time came.

My best friend?

I suppose, none other than Sparks himself fit that description. It wasn't a family bond I felt with him, it was different.

Now, where did the superiors fit into this snuggly picture, Chatot and Wigglytuff?

I don't know what to make of Chatot, it was a though he was my teacher. My mentor, someone to dish out punishment and firmly keep us on the right path in life, it was, an odd bond, but all the same a good one.

And what about the apple master, the pink wonder himself, Wigglytuff?

I don't know. I admired him, that was for sure. He could stay calm, optimistic and light in any situation, not to mention he was funny without even really trying. It's his good traits, they snatch a certain respect out of me. Also, demanding a bubbling sensation of wonder inside me.

I figure, that it wasn't really normal for me to be feeling so close with people who were barely more than strangers. But, it was like a knight in shining armor had scooped me out of the way of harm, and thrown me into the midst of a pre-built family, that was happy to accept a young girl into their ranks.

This was where I began to form new memories, it was the place that had taken me in when I had no place else to go, it was a place, that my mind had just decided, was home. It didn't seem daunting, unfamiliar, or scary anymore. I didn't feel like sobbing into my bed out of angst and loneliness. It had just clicked that I could call this place my home, and be accepted with open arms.

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