Chapter Fourteen

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(Just for this chapter, it's not in Laurens's POV)
Raiden was sitting in the corner of the boy's room, Loudred wasn't too happy to be sharing a room with the yellow mouse, but despite that, he, Bidoof and Corphish chatted quite happily with him. However, they all cut off, hearing a squeal from the girl's room.

"Crap." Loudred hissed, "Hey, hey what's all the noise?" Corphish murmured, clicking his large pincers impatiently. "Bidoof, quick, scuttle over there and check!"

The two boys waited tensely for Bidoof's report, looking panicky. Raiden frowned, "What's going on?" He murmured, rubbing his head stupidly. "Wait." Loudred growled, "Wait for Bidoof." Just then, the plump brown Pokémon scampered around the corner, his eyes stretched wide and his chest heaving with the effort of running. "T-they're at it again!" He gasped, "And now they've convinced Lauren to play! It's... truth or dare!"

Loudred stifled an exclamation of horror, while a grin split Raiden's face, "Sounds like they're having fun!" Loudred and Corpish spun around the stare at him, he twitched his ears. "What?" Loudred grabbed his scruff and pinned him against the wall, making the mouse shriek in surprise, Corpish scuttled up close to his face, a pincer on his chest.

"Look here, Raiden, this is a dangerous business. Chimecho thinks up wicked dares, and knows that..." He trailed off, his eyes darting to Loudred and mouthing oh my gosh. Loudred quirked an eyebrow, but Raiden understood, Sunflora and Loudred obviously liked each other.

"And, you see, hey, hey, even if it's not true, she probably guessed you and your partner are head over heels for each other. Now, understand when I say, any second now, a girl's gonna burst in here, face red, hey, hey, and-" As if on cue, a squeal came from the door and they all looked up to see Sunflora shove a certain Eevee into the room, her face as red as a rose.

"Speak of the devil..." Loudred winced, "Oh my gosh, Lauren, say it!" Cooed Sunflora, looking all gushy and smitten, Lauren let out a squeak, trying to run out the door, but was just thrown back. "Fine!" She snapped.

Lauren steeled her beat red face and refused to make eye contact with any of the boys. Finally, after a couple seconds, she boldly stated, "Loudred, you have more muscle than a Machamp, and abbs of steel. Corpish, your hey hey's turn me on, Bidoof you're oh so adorably cute and fluffy, and Raiden, I think you're hotter than a Slugma..." She turned towards the door in a huff, her cheeks were somehow even redder despite her efforts to suppress her embarrassment, and quickly walked out as coolly as possible. Sunflora had a giggle fit, following her.

Raiden started after her with his mouth hanging open in astonishment, "See what we mean?" Loudred growled, his face red. Raiden didn't reply, still in shock. "Hey, hey, what makes it worse is that you can't tell if they're only saying that for the dare or they really mean it, hey, hey..." They all fell silent, hearing shrill squeals and giggles from the room. "The only way to really know is the 'truth's'. But they sure keep to themselves; I swear they even have a vow of secrecy, hey, hey..." He sighed while Loudred scowled furiously, "Girls. There's no riddling them out."

Sunflora giggled while grinning at Lauren, who was still red. "Oh, cut it out already! I already had to do a dare!" Lauren continued to whined, "I'll never be able to look at Loudred the same after that!" Chimecho grinned, cackling, "Okay, girls. How about we try a torture?" Sunflora grinned immediately, clapping her leafy hands together, "Ooh! Yes, oh my gosh, this'll be awesome!" Lauren frowned confusedly, "What's a torture?" They grinned, gesturing for her to gather round. "Let us explain..."

Loudred, who was standing outside the door, ran as fast as he could back into the room. "Guys, they're planning a torture!" Shocked gasps pierced the air, all eyes wide with horror. "We've got to get out of here before—" "There they are!" Sunflora grinned, standing at the door with Chimecho and Lauren at her side; blocking the only exit. They were trapped. "Get them!"

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