Chapter Five

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"UP AND AT 'EM, ITS MORNING!" An absurdly loud voice blasted me from my dreams, burning my eardrums. "Waah! My poor bleeding ears!" Wailed Raiden, pawing at his ears. "YOU GOTTA GET UP! I DON'T WANT TO GET IN TROUBLE 'CAUSE YOU ROOKIES GOT UP LATE!" His startling voice sent my ears screaming for him to stop, while Raiden screamed over dramatically when he spoke. "And if the Guildmaster got angry..." The Pokémon whispered, turning away from us. "YIKES! That'd be one scary scene! SO GET IN GEAR!"

I rubbed at my painfully pounding ears, "Ow..." I murmured weakly, and then realized he was gone. "What was he trying to do, deafen us?" Squealed Raiden, sitting up from his dramatically writhing on the dirty floor, "What did the guy say anyways? Something about getting up..." I shrugged, my ears still ringing from the deafening shout out. I nestled back down and I was just on the verge of sleep when Raiden yelled, almost stopping my heart in the process. "Holy shit! We totally overslept! Hop to it, Fluffy, we got to move!" He squealed, dragging me by my thick fluffy tail out of my comfy grass bed."Hey!" I whined, grappling for a grip on the ropy grass.

We sheepishly scrambled into line at the Guild meeting, earning a look of disapproval from Chatot. "You're LATE rookies!" Shouted the Loudred from before, stomping his foot. His booming tone made Chatot jump and his feather's ruffled in shock. "Hush! Your voice is ridiculously loud!" He snapped at the apprentice, trying to soothe out his feathers. "Humph..." Grumbled the Loudred, looking at the ground in slight shame.

"Guildmaster! The Guild is in full attendance!" Raiden looked at me, his eyes excited and confused at the same time. A loud bang of doors being flung wide open stopping our non-verbal conversation; the Guildmaster emerged from the dramatic opening, walking with a rather disorientated movement. The Guild all sat quietly, waiting for his words, only then did they hear his soft snores.

Two apprentices near me started to softly whisper in awe to each other, one was a cheerful looking Sunflora while the other was an equally cheerful looking Chimecho, "Wow! The Guildmaster never ceases to amaze me." Muttered the Chimecho in a very feminine voice that sounded like chiming bells, "He's sleeping with his eyes open and everything! Eek!" Agreed the Sunflora in a slightly less soothing voice, hers being rather high and perky. She added a squeak to the end of her sentence, in addition, jumping a little in the air.

"Thank you Guildmaster, we all value your... words of wisdom. Time for our morning chant, all together now, one, two, a-one-two-three-four!"

All the apprentices jumped up – well expect me and Raiden of course—and started cheerfully shrieking verses at the parrot Pokémon, "One! Don't shirk work! Two! Runaway and pay! Three! Smiles go for miles!" Chatot did a bit of a fluttery movement with his wings, rising a little in the air. "Okay Pokémon! Time to get to work!" All the apprentices' thrust their fists into the air, all still smiling joyfully. "HOORAY!" Then, almost immediately, started to disband and attend to their usual work.

Raiden looked over to me, slightly puzzled. "So, what do you think we're supposed to do, Fluffy?" My ear's drooped low to the ground as I shook my head from side to side. I gave a sheepish smile, "Um... await further painfully cheerful chants?" He smirked at me, "Funny."

Chatot spotted us loitering about aimlessly, "Hey! You two, come over here!" We turned in a rush to the bird Pokémon, in our hurry to get over there we bashed into each other quite painfully. "Ow... my head..." I groaned. I opened my eyes to see a dizzy looking Raiden had landed across me. "You clumsy rookies!" Grumbled Chatot, folding his wings neatly onto his side and waiting for us to collect ourselves, "Uh... Raiden, get off." Raiden looked up at me, and then realized he was pinning me on the floor. "Oh, yeah, right... of course!" He stuttered, flushing pink while bumbling to his feet. We both turned to look at Chatot, and he shook his head slightly, "Young Pokémon these days... Anyways, you two come with me."

Chatot lead us to a large bulletin board, it was covered in scraps of paper with urgent letters scribbled on them, and some even had pictures of Pokémon stabled on their surface. "This is the bulletin board, where Pokémon put jobs for exploration teams to do. You are aware of the outbreak of bad Pokémon, right?" Raiden cocked his head to one side in a knowing way, "Yeah, 'cause the flow of time being all smashed up, right Feathers?" Chatot sniffed slightly, looking indecisive at the name Feathers, but obviously, there was no shaking it. "Correct."

Wait, time being messed up? Like, clock time? How does time get wrecked? I muse to myself. As if sensing my confusion, Raiden continued, "Because of the disturbed flow of time, there has been a whole lot of bad Pokémon popping up, but along with that there has also been an increase in the number of... mystery dungeons." I blinked in confusion, did he say mystery dungeons? "Mystery dungeons? You mean like the beach cave place were we fought that Koffing and Zubat?" I smirked; looking back on our triumphant victory. Raiden smirked back, ears twitching slightly.

Chatot cleared his throat looking slightly irritated. "Yes. Mystery dungeons are strange places, if you happen faint while inside you will be kicked out and lose half your money... so don't fail." Raiden's sweat dropped, "Yes sir." He murmured with a salute, "So, let's pick a job for you to do. Hmm, oh! How about this one?" Chatot took the paper and handed it to Raiden. Raiden clutched it in his paws, his cheeks starting to crackle with electricity from excitement. "Okay... it says..."

So, my family threw a Fourth of July party yesterday. Annndd I may have gotten a little bit carried away during the celebration lol. So there you have it, my excuse for not updating yesterday. However, because of that, I'm going to put up four chapter today :). HAVE AN AMAZING DAY, YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON!

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