Chapter Ten

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Drowzee was blocking Azurill's path as he tried to scuttle away from him, the dark yellow Pokémon knocked the smaller one down roughly, looking aggravated. Azurill hit the ground mildly hard, a stream tears rolled down his cheeks as he sobbed quietly. "If you keep that up it will mean big trouble for you!" Drowzee snapped irritably, his annoyance grew as the little Pokémon squealed fearfully, backing away from him. "H-h-Help!"

"Leave Azurill alone, Fatso!" Snapped Raiden, making our presence known, electricity sparkling at his cheeks. Drowzee flinched as he spun around in shock, his eyes bewildered. "H-How did you find me here?" He squeaked, sounding pathetic for a full grown Pokémon.

" Drowzee, you bully!" Growled Raiden pointing dramatically at the pudgy pokemon. I stood up beside him my eyes burning with a rage so intense Drowzee let out a frightened grunt. "We, Team Rigorous, won't let you hurt Azurill!" I roared furiously, "Prepare to meet your end—" His scared expression morphed to a sneer, as he cut me off. "Are you shaking?"

I turned my head to see Raiden shaking violently, his eyes were fearful as he looked at Drowzee. All of a sudden I remembered Raiden's fear of bad Pokémon, I touched his arm, murmuring soft encouragement. A flicker of understanding shot across Drowzee's sneering expression as he let out a loud sound of triumph.

"Ha! I've figured it out, you say you're an exploration team, but you're total rookies!" Raiden let out defeated muffled sound of distress, holding onto my shoulder. "And you came here to apprehend your first criminal! I've been chased by many exploration teams in my time, but never a more pathetic bunch then you two! You really thought you could apprehend me!" he scorned, taking a threatening step forward. Raiden shivered again at his mocking words, but then glared in response to the insult, a slow expression of rage creeping across his face. "Pa-the-tic." Drowzee enunciated, sneering wickedly.

Drowzee continued to mock us, not noticing that Raiden was no longer shaking in fear, but in ferocity. "Yes! Yes, we can apprehend you!" He snapped, shooting a small spark of lightning at the Pokémon. " We, Explorer Team Rigorous, will stop you! Here and now!" Drowzee simply shrugged it off, and shot us another vile look, "Come and get me then!"

Raiden exchanged one determined glance with me, and that's all we needed to understand each other. "You're going down!" I growled, charging at the villain, my best friend at my side. I barreled into Drowzee's side, half toppling him over. Raiden took the opening I had created and shot a vicious ThunderShock at the yellow Pokémon, making him flinch. However, my close proximity left me open, and Drowzee retaliated by hitting me with a powerful Confusion attack. I felt his strong psychic power flowing from into me as I fell to the rocky floor. The throbbing sickening feeling the attack brought me momentarily incapacitated me.

Raiden shot a ThunderWave at Drowzee, taking advantage of his preoccupation with me. Drowzee tried to jump out of the way but he was far too slow and the attack paralyzed him. I recovered from the Confusion attack and attacked again, but this time I hit hard into his stomach, making him fall over into the dirt. With a grunt, he shook off the paralyzing stun, and he locked his eyes with mine. Then, used the attack his kind was famous for, hypnosis. I groaned as Drowzee waved his hands in a rhythmic repetitive up and down motion. The hypnosis slowly washing over me, taking control of my systems. I tried to resist, but I couldn't move my eyes away from him. He was forcing thoughts into my mind, and soon, he had command of me. I felt him willing me to attack Raiden, forcing me to slowly step towards the frightened Pikachu.

'No! I can't attack Raiden!' I gritted my teeth together as I advanced forward against my will. I felt a growl push it's way out of my throat, as Raiden took a step back in horror. "W-What are you doing?" He squealed, watching me with scared eyes. All of a sudden I realized why he was so frightened.

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