Chapter 3.

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  Y/n's P.O.V

  "We saw the bruises. Tell us what happened." My eyes widened. 'I have bruises? I didn't notice them before.' I thought to myself. "Y/n." I snapped put of my trance, "I-I-" I didn't know what to say. 'Do I tell them? I don't know.' They rose their eyebrows, waiting for my answer.

  "M-mark..." I started off, but I couldn't say anymore. I don't know if they understood what I was trying to tell them, but they looked pissed off none-the-less. "What about mark?" Jungkook asked. I looked at him, then to jimin.

   Jimin seemed to be the most pissed off at the moment. "He...did this to me...he..." I started crying. They both pulled me into an embrace.  "You don't have to say anymore. I know what you're trying to say." I could fell Jimin's grip on me tighten. 'Doe's he really know what I'm trying to say?'

  "He's going to pay, for even laying a hand on you." I looked up at him. I could tell he was holding back tears. 'Why jimin? Why do you care for someone like me?'

  He looked down at me, expression softening. "Don't worry. He won't be able to lay a hand on you after we're done with him." I see jungkook nod after Jimin's statement. "Y/n. I really do care about you. You're my friend and I should be able to take care of you, but I wasn't able to. I'm sorry for that, but this time I will. I'll make sure of it."

   Jungkook said. I hugged them both tightly and let them go. "Ok. Thank you for listening." They shook their heads. "No problem!" They said in unison. Then they left my room.

  Jimin's P.o.v

  That bastard! How could he! I ran into every room trying to find the fucker, startling everyone else in the process. I went into the last room of the house. "He better be in this fucking room" Jungkook was following behind me with the others.

  "Jimin! What're you doing!" I heard Yoongi yell, as I dragged mark out of the room, beating the shit outta him. "How dare you lay a fucking hand on Y/n, you fucker!" All the members were confused. "I'll tell you all later!" Jungkook said.

  "Hyung! My turn!" I got up, letting jungkook finish him off. As he was doing that, I went outside to cool off. "Yah! Park jimin. What the fuck was that?!" I turned to see Yoongi. "Not now hyung-"

  He inturrupted me, "Oh nonono. You're going to tell me why the fuck you and jungkook beat that guys ass!" I turned to him, "He raped Y/n! Dammit!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

   "W-what?" I see Yoongi's face soften, then rise with anger. "That fucker!" I stopped him, "No. He's leaving tonight with that girl. We won't ever see him again. I should kill him, but I won't unless Y/n tells me too."

  Yoongi nodded, "You do what you've got to do, but you do it fast, I don't want to see that fuckers face here any longer than I have to." I nodded. I went inside to see Y/n and the others surrounding mark.

  "I didn't touch her!" I scoffed. "Stop fucking lying mark! You hurt me! I want you dead!" I cleared my throat, grabbing everyone's attention, "Mark, you and your bitch are leaving. Now! You better hope we don't cross paths or your dead. Leave!" I yelled and they ran out of the house. Screaming. I watched as they screamed and those things following them.

  Then the things caught up to them and...ate them. I smiled. "Good." I turned to the others, "We won't be seeing them anymore. Things got them." They all laughed.

  Y/n's P.O.V

  Thank god their gone. I went and hugged Jimin and the rest so tightly. "Ok. If you hug any tighter, I'll be crushed." Jimin said. I giggled. "Thank you guys so much!" I started crying tears of joy. "You're very welcome. Just remember you can come to us for anything." I nodded. After that whole ordeal, we all went to bed.

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