Chapter 13

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July 31st, 2018. 10:13 A.M.

  "Is everyone ready?"I asked Jin. He looked up, helping lenny up from the ground. "Hm? Oh! Yea, I'm pretty sure." I nodded helping him help lenny up. After we helped him I ran off to the others. "Ok people. We are not stopping anywhere today! Capiche?" Everyone nodded. 'Good. At this rate, we'll be able to get there in under an hour or 2.' I thought to myself.

  After making sure we had everything, we headed off.

                        ~Time Skip~

  It has been about 30 minutes now. All of us were heavy breathing. "Y/n...can we...Stop?" I turned to see Lisa almost collapsing and out of breath. I looked around at everyone else doing the same thing. I, myself, almost doing it as well. "Yea...let's take a...break." She nodded and I told everyone to stop for a 10 minute break.

  "Hey Y/n." I looked up and saw Jungkook. "Yes Kookie?" He chuckled, "kookie?" I nodded. "Well were like siblings right? I wanted to give you a nickname." He nodded. "Well, in that case, I'll call you...feisty!" I tilted my head, "Am I really that feisty though?" He chuckled. "Yea! Very feisty. Maybe even more than that." I smiled. "Weird. Hoseok said the same thing haha." He chuckled.

  I turned to him. "So, did you need something?" He nodded. "Are you positive your dad's even alive?" I nodded my head. "My mom had always told me that, if he was strong enough to leave his family for a job, then he would be strong enough to take on anything. I know that may seem 'childish' in a way, but I don't care." He nodded.

  "Right. I get it." I nodded. "'s you and lisa?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, in a knowing matter. He chuckled. "Well...I mean...we're not together? Just...we haven't really confirmed anything." I nodded. "But you guys know you have feelings for eachother." He nodded. "Yea. I was surprised actually. She was the one to make a move first." I laughed along jungkook.

  "God, I knew you were a shy person, but I didn't know you were that shy." He crossed his arms and pouted. "Hey! I'm not that shy! Just a little...slow." I nodded, not wanting to pester him any longer. "Ok. Ok. I'll leave you alone..for now." I ran off. Jungkook running after me. "You little- get back here!" I laughed and kept running with jungkook behind me.

                         ~Time Skip~

  After our break. We began to walk again. Since our break, it has been at least an hour now. Everyone was alright now. No complaining, and lenny is just fine. Everything is going great. 'I wonder what dad will be like...' I thought to myself. As I was thinking, someone, possibly Yoongi, yelled.

  "Look! A house!" I looked up and indeed there was a house. I ran to it, not even paying mind to the screams behind me. Once I reached it, I slowly crept up to the door. Crouching under the windows, in case there was actually someone in there. Once I reached the door, the others arrived. I shushed them before they could make a sound. They nodded and crept to the door with me.

  I pushed the door slightly and it opened. I looked around cautiously, making sure we weren't going to run into walkers. Once I was done looking around, I stood up. "Alright. It's safe. Come in." They all piled in. "Wow~ when was the last time we actaully had shelter?" Jimin asked. I nodded. "Right, but one thing, we'll stay here, but only because we're finally where we need to be and because we need a rest." They all nodded, understanding.

  I looked around for any rooms. "Ok, we need to look around. If you find anything useful, come to me. Ok?" They nodded and started looking around. I went to look for rooms. "1..2..3. Ok 3 rooms." I nodded. I saw only 1 bathroom when we walked in, so we're good there.

  I walked into the living space of the house and saw everyone talking and resting. "Everyone! We don't know if someone alive still lives here, so we need to be cautious about that, and there's only 3 rooms." I looked at everyone. "Who'll share rooms?" Taehyung asked. I shook my head. "I don't know. There's 1 with 2 beds and the other 2 have 1 king sized bed." They nodded.

  "Ok. So, we'll share with the people we always do, but one group will have to share with the one of the other groups." Lenny said. I nodded, along with everyone else. "Ok so that means, Jimin's with me, hoseok with yoongi, jungkook and lisa, and jin, tae, and uncle lenny. Who volunteers to share with another group?"

  I waited to see someone raise their hand. "We will." Yoongi and Hoseok raised their hands and said. I nodded. "Who would you like to share with?" They thought for a moment. "Jungkook and lisa." They all nodded. "Ok, it's settled then. Everyone just rest and have fun." They nodded.

  I went to find the kitchen. Once I found it, I looked around for any food. Surprisingly, there was an entire pantry of fresh vegetables and fruit, and maybe even some sweets here and there. I went to the fridge and found meat and drinks of all sorts. "Wow...this is amazing!" After checking out the kitchen, I went and got jin to show him.

  "What is it Y/n?" I chuckled. "Well, you're an amazing cook, so I thought.." I paused and pulled him further into the kitchen, showing him everything I just saw, "You would know what to do with all of this!" His eyes widened. "Oh my god! This could last us a few months maybe even a year if we saved it!" I nodded. "Isn't it amazing?!" He nodded vigorously. "Hell yea! This is amazing!"

  We jumped up and down, hugging eachother happily. "Whats going on here?" We stopped and turned to see everyone lined up, trying to see what all the noise is. "Oh hey jimin! Everyone!" I waved happily at them. "What the hell has gotten into you two?" Yoongi, whom was behind jimin, asked. "We. Found. Food. All kinds of it!" Jin said. Everyone walked in, seeing everything we were talking about.

  "Wow! This is awesome! Jin hyung, what can you make with this?" Jungkook asked out of excitement. Jin chuckled. "I will be making stir fry!" Everyone but Namjoon tilted their heads. "Whats that?" I asked. Namjoon and jin looked at eachother and looked back at everyone. "Stir fry is an American dish. Yes we have our own version here, but the American version is mainly made with, steak, vegetables and rice."

  Namjoon explained thoroughly. We all nodded. "That sounds delicious!" Everyone said in unison. We all looked at eachother and chuckled. "Alright everyone. Leave so I can get to cooking. Namjoon, would you mind helping me?" He nodded and began to wash his hands, while everyone else left into the living space.

                        ~Time Skip~

  After some time, jin and Namjoon came in with all the food. Everyone said words like "wow~" or "daebak~" After they set everything down, everyone grabbed a plate and enjoyed the meal.
So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please vote and follow me! It's greatly appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful day! Oh and we surpassed 800 reads! We're almost at 900, so keep it up! I love you all!💜

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