Chapter 4.

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July 5th, 2018. 11:00 A.M.

I was waking up to arguing in the room next to mine. "Argh.." I groaned getting up to scold the boys in the room. As I was getting up from my bed, my door swung open, revealing a half naked Jungkook and a very mad Jin running after him with a frying pan.

  "Y/n! Help me!" I looked up confused, "what..?" He then went behind me, using me as a human sheild. "Yah! Jeon Jungkook! How dare you eat the rest of the cake!" He then looked at me, "U-uh...Y/n..." I was still half asleep, so I was even more confused why Jin was staring at me.

  "What...? There something face...?" I was talking slow. "Y-you're not wearing any pants." I looked down for a second, then I was fully aware of what was going on. "Ahh! Jungkook let go of me!" He let go of me immediately.

  "S-sorry Y/n! I didn't realize!" Then Jin slapped his head, "Yah! First you eat the cake, now you're being a pervert!" As they were arguing, I had already put my pants on, "Chill guys. I have my pants on now." They sighed and nodded. 'God, they act like children...' They looked at me, "What?" "Are you still thinking about going to America?"

I nodded, "Yes. Why?" They shook their heads, "We just want to know why." I turned around digging through my clothes, "1. Because we need to see how bad the situation really is, and 2. Because..." I then pulled out a picture of my dad with my mother, "he's there."

   They looked at the picture, "he's my father. Remember how I told you he left before I was born?" They nodded, "The reason was because, he wanted to be a scientist, and I believe he's the reason we're in this mess." They nodded agreeing with me.

  "Ok. When do you think we should leave?" I widened my eyes, "Wait. You're actually coming with me?" They laughed, "Of course! We're in this together." I chuckled, "I think we should leave as soon as possible. We have to speak to the others first." They nodded in response.

~Time Skip: outside~

"Are you guys sure you want to come with me?" They all nodded in response. "Ok uncle lenny. Lead the way." He nodded and started heading off. We followed along with him.

   I stopped walking when we came across a shed, "Y/n? What's up?" Jimin asked. "Um..Jimin, I have to use the bathroom." He smiled, "Alright I'll tell the others. Don't take too long, haha." I smiled and went inside the shed. I squatted down, so I can pee without making a mess. It was unusual to use the bathroom in a shed, but in situations like this, you have no other choice.

  "Ah.." I sighed of relief when I finally used the bathroom. As I was finishing up, I felt something grab my leg. It startled me of course and looked down to see that it was one of those things, crawling through a hole in the shed.

  "ARHGGG!" I screamed as loud as I could. It was holding on to my pants, so I had no other choice then to pull them off and run out of the shed with my crow bar in hand.

  "Y/n?! Is everything alright?!" My uncle lenny came rushing up to me to see if I was ok. The others following behind quickly. "Y-yea. I think so. That thing in there stole my jeans!" I heard the others chuckling, "Yah! Do you think that I would laugh if you were in this situation!?"

   They shook they're head no, "Then shut the hell up!" They nodded their heads, "Yes ma'am!" Then they bowed. "Geez Y/n. You do know how to keep them in line, don't ya?" He chuckled, "It gets worse. Trust me." He nodded and chuckled, "Alright, we need to somehow get your pants back, so you don't have to walk in your underwear the rest of the trip."

   I sighed, "I knew I should've brung extra clothes!" Then I threw my hands up in the air. "Hey Y/n? I have my sweater if you want to wrap it around your waist?" I looked up to see Jimin handing me his sweater, "Thanks Jimin, I appreciate it."

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