Chapter 16

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  "Y/n, wake up.."

  "Alright. You asked for it."


  "Ah! The fuck?!" I awoke to ice cold water being thrown onto my limp body.

  "You have to get up. We need to discuss the plan." Taehyung said.

  I groaned, "Can't we do this later?" As I lied my head back into my soft pillow.

  He chuckled. "You were the one who said we be up at 7 in the morning."

  I sighed, "At least give me 10 more minutes.." I asked. Hoping Tae would be a little sparing. He shook his head.

  "I've already given you an hour. Now get up. No exceptions." He said in a demanding tone.

  "Geez, alright, I'm up." I said in defeat.

  I sit up in my bed. Realizing that Jimin is nowhere to be seen. "Oh, Jimin is outside. Your pappaw said he needed help with something." You nodded, understanding.

  "Well he better hurry. I'm up now and I'm expecting everyone to be ready." I said. Taehyung shook his head as he sighed. "They've been ready for an hour." And he left.

  I sighed and got dressed. As I walked into the living space, I saw everyone sitting on the couch, waiting for my instructions.

  "Alright. Let's get this going, shall we?" I said. Everyone nodding along.

                         Time skip

  "Ok. So if we take this route, we should arrive at the facility in under an hour."

  "It should be clear of walkers. It's the closest route. The scientists should've taken all of them by now.." Dylan said.

  I nodded. "Ok, everyone get the cars ready. We leave as soon as we're ready. No pit stops." Then we all got ready for the journey.

                             Time skip

  "Alright. I hope everyone packed accordingly?" They nodded. I nodded along, and sat down next to Jimin.

  "You sure you don't want me to drive pappaw?" I asked Dylan.

  He smiled, "I swear, I'm never going to get used to you calling me pappaw."

  I smiled, and layed my head on Jimins shoulder, and awaited to what's beyond us.

  Then our tires blew out. "Shit!" Dylan yelled out, trying to control the car.



  Jimin grabbed onto my hand, holding me close to him. "It's ok! We're alright!" Dylan said as he finally got control over the car.

  We all got out to look at the damage.

  "Dammit! Someone shot out the tires!" Jungkook yelled, pointing at the obvious bullet holes in the tires.

  I sighed in frustration. "It'll be alright Y/n..."

  "Right. It'll be ok."

  I rose my head up in a flash when I felt a gun to my head. "No one move, or a bullet will go through this girls head."

  I stood still in my spot. Not knowing If I should attack him. What if he has buddies surrounding us?

  "Hey, please. Don't hurt he-" The mysterious man swung me around, holding the gun to the side of my head. I can finally see everyone in front of me.

  They all look clueless. Clueless of what to do. We've never been in this position before. What do we do?

  "Now, y'all are going to give us everything you have. Then we'll take you with us to our camp." I looked right at Jimin, who pulled out a knife behind his back.

  He looked at me and nodded. I frowned and tried my best to signal a no. Then from the corner of my eye, I saw a man behind the bushes, a gun pointed right at Jimin.

  'He definitely sees that' The man proceeded to press down on the trigger.

  I couldn't do it. I couldn't ignore it. He was going to shoot Jimin.

  I turned quickly and bit the mans hand and made him drop his gun. Then I turned to Jimin and-

Why hello! How'd you like this chapter? It's been a while but I'm happy with this! AND we surpassed 4K readers! 😱 wow! Thank you all again! I love you all!❤️ I'll see you all in the next chapter!


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