Chapter 12

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July 30th, 2018. 11:09 P.M.

  It's been 3 days. Uncle lenny is weak and still won't show us that damned wound. Also, I haven't figured out my feelings for jimin yet and that's stressing me out. "Y/ ok?" I turned to the source of the voice.

  "Oh...hey jin. What's up?" He sat down next to me, "Nothing really. Everyone seems a little stressed, so I've been trying to make sure everyone was ok." I smiled. "That's nice of you. Almost like a mother..." He hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

  "Tell me Y/n. What's wrong?" I teared up. "It's just...I don't know what's going on with uncle lenny. I think I have an idea though. I don't want to think like that." Jin hugged me tighter. "There's something else. Tell me." I sighed and let one tear fall down my cheek. "Jimin...I can't seem to find out if I love him or not. I don't want to hurt him, but I don't want to make him wait long either..."

  "It's ok Y/n. I've known jimin for for as long as I can remember. He'll wait for you no matter how long it takes." I nodded. "And as for your uncle...I don't know what's up with him.." I sighed and nodded. "We can't treat him if he doesn't let us see his wound." Jin nodded in agreement. "I'll try and ask him one more time.." Jin said, getting up and heading towards his tent.

  As he was doing that, I decided to go talk to jimin in our tent. "Hey jimin." I said, getting his attention. He looked up and smiled, "Oh! Hey Y/n. What's up?" I sat down next to him. "Nothing. Just stressed, but I think that's everyone." He nodded. "Yea. I'm stressed about what to do when we arrive tomorrow." I nodded

  "One things for sure, I'm finding my dad and ending this all." He nodded. "And...about this Zico guy? What about him?" I sighed. "I honestly don't know. I thought he would've done something by now. I mean he's smarter than to just let me and lisa go that easy and not take us back..." I sighed once again.

  "On the bright side, I think Jungkook actually found someone to love." I nodded. "And it's all thanks to me!" I pointed to myself with a big smile. Jimin chuckled. "Right. Because of you." I smiled and lowered my head. "Jimin...about...the love thing." He turned his head to me. "What about it?"

  "I-I can't seem to figure out how I feel. I just...I've never loved someone." He nodded. "Well..I could help you out. I mean, I've been in love maybe I could figure it out with you?" I shook my head. "No. I want to figure it out on my own. I want the full experience." He nodded.

  "Like I said, I'll wait as long as I have to." I nodded and hugged him. "Thank you, jimin." He hugged me back and I could feel him smile. "You're welcome." We released eachother, and smiled. "Y/n!" I heard my name. "Y/n, it's Lenny!" It was jin out of breath. "What?! What do you mean? What's wrong with uncle lenny?!" I said while running to his tent.

  "I-I don't know!" I opened the tent to see, uncle lenny vomiting blood, into a bucket. "Uncle lenny! Are you ok?!" 'No Y/n! If he was ok, he wouldn't be toppling over vomiting fucking blood!' I slapped myself mentally and focused back on the man in front of me. "Ok! Hold on!" I raised his sleeve, to finally see his wound. When I raised it, I balled.

  "! Fucking hell! Uncle lenny NO!" He was bitten. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US EARLIER?! WHY DID YOU KEEP THIS FROM US?!" I was screaming at this point. Not because of anger, but because of grief and sadness. "I can't do this. I can't go through this again. I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO!"

  Jimin grabbed me. Picking me up and taking me outside away from the scene. "Shh..shh. it's ok. He's going to be ok." I cried. Cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. "How...can you sure?" Jimin caressed my face. "I'm not. We know what happens when you're bitten..." I nodded slowly.

  "Yea..." I said. Not wanting to speak anymore. Everyone besides Jimin and I, was in the tent, trying to find out what to do. "I need to go back in there." Jimin grabbed my wrist. "Y/n, you can't. It's not good for you-" "You love me right?" He hesitantly nodded. "Then kiss me." He was taken aback. "W-why?" I sighed.

  "To take my mind off of want me to stay here, right? Then kiss me." He nodded slowly. Then pressed his lips against mine. I responded. We kissed like there was no tomorrow. Although, I didn't forget about uncle lenny, it did help me feel a little better. We pulled away out of breath. "Do you feel better?" Jimin asked.

  I nodded, "Yes. I think I'm stable enough to see him.." Jimin nodded. Holding my hand, while we walked to the tent where everyone was at. I opened the tent and walked in. I seen uncle lenny talking to everyone. When his eyes landed on me, he averted them as quickly as possible. "Why? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He gulped. "Tell me." I said calmly. Taking his hand. "I...was afraid of how you would react."

  "That's it?" I said chuckling slightly. "Uncle lenny, you know you can tell me anything. I'm here for you. Always and forever." I said while a tear fell down my cheek. The others were grabbing my shoulders or patting my back as a way of comfort. I nodded, showing them a thank you.

  Lenny then looked at me. "I'm sorry Y/n. If i would've known you would've been this hurt, then I would've told you sooner..." I hugged him. Careful not to hurt him. "It's ok. time don't wait too long to tell me." He tilted his head. "Next time? Y/ know what happens." I sighed. "No....we're not going to let you die. We're so close to finding dad and I know he'll help you!" He nodded.

  "Ok. I'll be strong." I nodded. "And if anything happens, don't hesitate to tell me." He nodded. "Ok...everyone, let's get to bed. We have a long day tomorrow." Everyone nodded. "Ok. Jin, taehyung. Keep an eye on him. You're the ones who share this tent with's your responsibility. I'm leaving his life in your hands." They gulped. "Do you think you can handle that?" They nodded

  "You can count on us!" They said in unison. I nodded and hugged them and uncle lenny. "Goodnight everyone. Wake me up if anything happens." I said pointing to the boys. They nodded and I left to my tent.
Hello! Soooo~ I kinda want you guys to subscribe to my youtube account!

I would be so happy! Anyway, i hope you guys enjoyed this shitty chapter! I purple you! Goodbye!💜ention a user


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