Chapter 10.

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July 26th, 2018. 10:26 P.M.

  "wHO ARe yOu cALling weAK?!" 'Oh god...' I thought to myself as I watch a drunk hoseok and jin argue about who's the strongest. "YOU'RE soOoO wEAk hOoseok~. i BEt yoU CaNT fleX LiKE THIs.." Jin then proceeds to flex, showing nothing but flabby skin.

  Hoseok bursted into laughter. Before they could argue any further, I step in and end it. "Ok! I think that's enough boys! Sit down and eat a marshmallow." I force a marshmallow into each of their mouths. Them mumbling unknown, slurred words at me.

  If you're wondering where we got alcohol in the first place, you're not the only one. 'I turn away for one second, then the next thing I know, I walk in to 8 drunk men.' I mentally face-palmed myself, wondering how my choices in life, lead me to this.

  "Fuck! Uncle lenny! Why'd you let this happen?!" I tried to ask my uncle. Instead, all that I got was, "I druMK! WhERE tHE FucK....AM I?!" 'So much for him...' I thought. I turn to see jungkook basically rubbing himself all over lisa. "U-um...lisa? Do you-" She interrupted me by shooshing me, "No no. It's fine. I actually fucking love it haha!"

  "Alright, but if anything happens, you have to help me get them to safety." She nodded, showing she understood. I sighed and idled back to my shared tent, where a lazily drunk jimin layed. I tried getting in and laying down as quietly as possible, but sadly, my attempts failed.

  Instead of switching over to the other side to sleep, jimin decides to cuddle me, almost to the point of crushing me. "'re crushing me..." I got no answer. I turned to him as much as possible and looked at his sleeping face. 'He's....adorable..' My heart started beating faster.

  ' my heart beating like this?' I think to myself. I looked at his features closely. Until eventually, I landed on his lips. "Why are his lips bigger than mine?!" I pouted. Jimin groaned, wiggling closer to my body.

  He opened his eyes. Looking at me confused. "Y/n? I thought you went to find supplies?" I nodded, "I was, but I didn't find anything and came back to everyone,but lisa, drunk." Jimin chuckled. "I have you know, that I'm far from drunk. Just a little tipsy you could say." I smiled.

  "You're crushing me..." He looked down to see him huddled close to my body. He looks up to me with a tomato red face and moves away quickly. "I-I'm sorry Y/n.." I chuckled, "It's fine jimin." I pulled him back to the position he was in before. "Y/n?" He looked at me innocently.

  I didn't know what I was doing either. My body took over me completely. "Jimin~..." I whispered. I felt jimin shiver against me. He looked at me, then my lips. I did the same. I then notice us, slowly coming closer. Our lips brushed eachother lightly, then...."Y/N! HELP!"

  Jimin and I pull away with wide eyes. Shocked at our actions. Then I see jimin getting up. I follow and run towards everyone else. "Y/n! Help!" Lisa ran and hugged me. Crying in the process. "Whats wrong! Where's everyone else?!" I looked around to see blood, but no sign of the boys.

  "We were attacked and I couldn't keep up with all of them. They ran away." I looked around one last time, to see if they were around the area. "Did they run away separately, or together?" I asked a very tense and scared lisa. "Together.." I nodded, pulling out the flashlight I found yesterday, out of my pocket.

  I walked around with lisa and jimin behind me. "Alright. Be quiet. We don't know if walkers are around this area." They nodded and huddled up behind me.

                       ~Time skip~

  It has been at least 45 minutes, and still no sign of the boys. "Lisa? Did you see which way they went?" Earlier lisa had spotted shadows, thinking maybe it was them, but they vanished before we could catch up. "Yea! They went left." I nodded and turned left.

  "Y/n..?" I heard my name being called. I turned around in every direction, until my eyes met a pair of feet poking out of the bushes. I kneeled down to be met with jungkook's eyes. "Jungkook! Are you alright?" I asked. He nodded. "The others are here too." I nodded seeing everyone poking their heads out.

  I pulled them out. As I was pulling them out, I saw my uncle, lying on the ground covered in blood. "Oh my god! Uncle lenny, are you ok?!" I asked on the verge of tears, thinking maybe he was bitten. "Yea, just tripped and cut my arm. I'll be fine." I nodded relieved. "We should probably head back. There could be more walkers around here." Everyone nodded and started walking towards camp.

                        ~Time skip~

  Everyone had went to bed after we got back. I was laying next to jimin. "Y/n? What...we're you doing earlier?" I turned to him. "I don't know. I'm going to be honest with you, I lost control of my body, haha..." He smiled and nodded. "Y/n? Have you ever been in love?"

  I was a little taken aback by his question, but I answered. "No...I haven't. What about you?" He sighed and turned to me. Caressing my face. "I have." I turned to him, holding his hand, which was on my face. "What happened?" He looked at me, "She...didn't love me back and I became depressed. Asking myself everyday why I wasn't good enough."

  I looked at him deeply. "That girl must've been crazy...I mean, any girl would be lucky to have you..." He looked at me shocked. "Wow..." I chuckled. "Y/ you love me?" I widened my eyes. Looking directly at those dark, dark brown eyes. "I-I don't know." He nodded.

  "Y/n...can I kiss you?" I widened my eyes even more. "I've never kissed anyone before..." He nodded. "I'll be gentle." I nodded and layed more comfortably. He then started to come closer to me and then...his lips landed on mine. It was a wonderful feeling. Jimin started leading the kiss.

  I started to get the hang of it and it turned into a make out session. I then, proceeded tome sit on time of jimin for more access. Jimin held onto my waist, keeping me in place. After what seemed like an hour, we finally stopped and layed next to eachother, out of breath. "You know, you're not bad for your first time..." I laughed.

  "Thanks." He turned to me, "Y/ you love me now?" I chuckled. "I don't know, because I've never felt what it's like to love someone." He nodded. "Just know, I'm here for you and I'll wait for as long as you need me too." I nodded. "So you love me jimin?" He laughed. "Yes. Unless you want me to show you again?"

  He smirked, and I just chuckled. "Alright jimin, let's sleep." He nodded and we cuddled eachother to sleep.

  'I don't know if I love you jimin...but I do know that there's definitely something between us and I'll be sure to find out what that is!'
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What'd you think of the makeout session? Wasn't expecting that was you? Haha, anyway, vote and follow me! It's greatly appreciated!💜

If you're confused about anything, please let me know, and I'll be sure to answer to the best of my abilities!






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