Chapter 9.

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July 25th, 2018. 3:46 P.M.

  "Ugh..." Lisa whined. "Shut up lisa! We've only been walking for at least 10 minutes." I said. I heard a chuckle behind me, "You know, considering the age difference between you guys, Y/n seems like the older one." Uncle lenny said.

  "Really? I haven't noticed..." I said, looking back at lisa on the ground. "Whatever. Let's just go." Yoongi said, passing by me. "Yea. We aren't getting to our destination any faster, if we keep stopping every 10 minutes." I said, mainly talking to lisa. "Alright. Alright. Let's go..."

                         ~Time skip~

  "Ugh...rarghhh..." I sighed, "Dear god, lisa! Stop that! I thought we agreed on no stopping." I heard lisa stop and speak. "Uh...Y/n..that wasn't me..." I stopped as well and turned back. "Well then who WA-OH SHIT! LISA MOVE!"

  She tilted her head, but moved out of my way. Everyone was stopped and looking back at us to see what was happening. "DIE YOU FUCKER!" There was a walker behind lisa. 'If i had waited Even a second, lisa would be dead.'

  That thought gave me the chills. None-the-less, I killed it and took a breather. "" I managed to say, breathing heavily. She nodded and jimin came running towards me, "Y/n! Are you ok? You can't just kill one of those things blindly like that!"

  I sighed, "Stop being such a worry wart. I'm fine." I tried to move but something kept me down. "Ok le-ah fuck! That hurts!" I held my ankle in pain. "I think I sprung my ankle." I said to jimin. He sighed, "told you to be-"

  I raised my crow bar and interrupted him from saying anything, "If you say anything, you're dead...understand?" He nodded frantically. "Y-yes ma'am!"

  Lennys' P.o.v.

  "God, she's scary!" I heard jin say, "and you're older than her..." I said. Everyone chuckled. Jin started pouting. "I think it's a good thing in this situation we're in. She's proving she can take of herself without even knowing it." Jungkook said.

   I nodded, "She's always been that way. Independent. I never really had to do anything in taking care of her, because she already had it. I just stayed because she's my neice and I love her." I said. "I think of her as an older sister. She's a really good role-model if you ask me. I want to be just like her." Jungkook said. I turned to him.

  "She is. I'm proud of her. She taught herself everything. I helped her with the stuff she couldn't do on her own. I'm glad you feel the way you do jungkook." He nodded and smiled proudly. "What about jimin? He told me that he doesn't see her as anything more than a friend, but I see it completely different." Yoongi said.

  "What about you lenny? Has he told you anything?" Hoseok asked. I shrugged, "Not exactly. I mean i asked him if he loved her. He just asked if he did, how would he know, so the question is, does he even know if he loves her." Everyone nodded.

  We sighed and headed over towards them.

Y/n's P.O.V

  After hours of yelling in pain, we finally reached a good place to stop and rest for the night. I was the only one in my tent at the time. "I wonder why everyone's outside?" I decided to sneak and listen into what they were saying.

"Alright. It's been a couple of weeks now. When do you think we'll get there?"

"This is just a guess, but I think we'll get there in a couple of days."

"That's good. Right?"

"With Y/n's ankle like that? We're not going anywhere!"

"Shut up jimin! She's probably asleep and here you are shouting!"

"Says you, jungkook!"

"Boys!" I yelled. Getting their attention. "I wasn't asleep, and my ankle is fine. If i stay off it for at least a few hours, I'm sure we'll be able to leave early tomorrow." "B-but-" I interrupted jimin, who was, and this is just a guess, going to say something to try and make me stay.

  "No buts! We're leaving early tomorrow!" I lowered myself down just enough to see Jimin's face. I cupped his cheeks in my hands. "I'll be ok jimin. It's just a spranged ankle. I can still walk." He sighed and nodded in defeat. "Alright! Then it's settled. Everyone get to bed, so we will have enough energy to walk tomorrow."

  Everyone nodded and headed to their respected tents. "C'mon jimin. Let's go and sleep." He got up and we went to the tent. Once we arrived and got settled, we decided to talk. "Jimin? Why are you so protective of me?" I felt him freeze up beside me.

  "U-um...i don't know. Why do you ask?" I shrugged, "Ah Nevermind! Probably just over thinking it! Let's sleep!" He nodded and we turned on our sides to sleep.

Jimin's P.o.v

  "Jimin? Why are you so protective of me?" That question caught me off guard. 'Am I really that protective? Why am i?' It was the next day, and we were already on our way. I decided to ask lenny, since he seems like the 'love expert'. Totally not because he's old or anything.

  "Hey lenny. Can I talk to you?" I said walking up to him. We were both in the back, so no one could hear us. "Yea. What's up?" I hesitated for a moment. "U-um, last night, Y/n asked me why I was so protective of her. I just said I didn't know, but I feel like I know. I just need a second opinion."

   He chuckled, "and I'm the second opinion. Listen, I know you want to deny it all the time, but the others and I see how you look at her. You really do love her. You just need to learn yourself." I nodded understanding. " you love her jimin?"

  I looked at him, "You know...I never thought that I would fall in love ever again. I've been in love once before and it didn't go well for me emotionally. I've always been afraid to fall in love after that, but when I met Y/n, it just felt right. Like she was the one for me."

  He nodded. "You should tell her when you're ready. Not right now. It's too soon. You have to let her develop feelings for you." I shook my head, "she's never going to feel the same way." He laughed, "You're the only one who thinks that." I smiled, "by the way, don't tell the others. They'll definitely tell her if you do." He nodded.

  "Your secrets safe with me." He made a zip motion over his mouth. I chuckled and kept walking. 'I really hope she feels the same way. I'm definitely not going to tell her yet. Not yet.' I looked up at her. She was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
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