Chapter 5.

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July 6th, 2018. 1:09 P.M.

We've been walking for about 2 hours and we just stopped for a rest. As we were resting, we were crowded by at least 20 of walkers. We decided to call them that so we wouldn't have to keep saying 'those things'. Cool right? Has some sort of ring to it.

  Anyway, we were fighting off walkers. "Shit! Their everywhere!" I yelled. "Uncle lenny?! Boys?! Jimin?! Jungkook?!" We were separated while trying to get away. I was scared out of my mind.

  "THAT'S IT YOU FUCKTARDS! COME AFTER ME!" I ran into the herd, slashing around blindly. "Fuck!" I stopped in my tracks, "Hello?! Who's there?!" It didn't take long for the person to reply, "It's Jimin! Is that you Y/n?!" "Yes! It's me!"

  I ran through the crowd and found jimin with jungkook and the others. "Thank god you guys are safe!" We all hugged briefly and ran out of the herd. We ran far into the woods. Not knowing, or caring, where we were going at this point.

"Is everyone alright?" We had finally gotten far enough away from the walkers. Everyone was panting and resting from all the running. "No we're alright. What about you Y/n?" My uncle lenny had asked.

   I looked down at my body, "'s nothing. I'm fine. Just a scratch." Then he forcefully took my arm, "Y/n! Your bleeding. This is bad! It looks pretty deep." Then he looked down, "Y/n, you're covered in cuts! What the hell happened?" I was confused as I didn't know how I got the cuts on my legs and stomach.

  "Dammit, Jimin I'm sorry, I ripped your sweater!" He looked at me, "Y/n, you really think I care about that fucking sweater, when you about died. I couldve- I mean! We could've lost you back there. I wouldn't and don't care about that sweater."

   I nodded. "Thank you. Thank you guys so much. I thought I had lost all of you. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if you guys died." They sighed and nodded. "Alright we're gonna have to fix this. Have anything?"

  My uncle asked. I nodded. "I think I have some disinfectant and bandages in my bag." He nodded and got the things he needed and started healing my wounds.

  "Alright everyone! Let's go to sleep now. To Make it easier, we'll share with the person we did last time." We all nodded and jimin walked up to me, "Hey Y/n. You alright? Your wounds?" I shrugged, "I've been better, and they've stopped hurting. What about you?"

  I asked as jimin was laying down next to me listening. "I'm ok. Just tired. Everyone is ok besides you. That means we have to rest here for a few days." I nodded. "Ok." Then Jimin spoke up, "Y/n. I-I about last night-" I interrupted him, "Thank you."

   He looked confused, "For what?" I shrugged, "No-one has ever called me beautiful besides my uncle. It was nice to hear it from you." He nodded and blushed. "Awe! C'mon, you can't be embarrassed complimenting someone can you?"

   He chuckled, "Sorry. Of course I'm not embarrassed!" I laughed along with him. We layed down to sleep, jimin cuddling me. Eventually we fell asleep.

  July 7th, 2018. 3:05 P.M.

  Everyone was outside, while I was in my tent resting. As I was resting, I heard a rustling behind me. I turned behind me to see no-one and turned back around to have something pressed against my mouth. Next thing I know, I see black.
Hey! Sorry this chapter is short. I didn't get enough sleep last night, and I'm very exhausted. I hope you guys enjoyed anyway. By the way, I will be making a posting schedule. I'm thinking every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Idk, I'm still working on it. Love ya💜

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