Chapter 7.

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July 9th, 2018. 1:27 P.M.

"I've missed you..."

That lingered in my head for a while. It scared me. "What're we going to do? You said we can't leave, but I think that's exactly what we have to do." Lisa said. I stayed silent, but shrugged my shoulders as a response.

Lisa sighed, "Look Y/n, I don't know what you and Zico have/had going on, but you need to let it go. He's in the past." I nodded. 'Lisa's right. I can't keep worrying over him. He's a lost cause.' "Alright! We're getting out of here."

Lisa tilted her head, "But I thought you sai-" "I'll protect you. I've been going through this for over a week now. I know what to do." She nodded. "What're we gonna do about these?" Lisa pointed at her shackles.

I looked around, to see if I could find anything to break the shackles. As I was looking around, I saw a broken bar of metal. "I think I found our solution." I smiled and walked over to the bar, while lisa just watched me with a smile.

"Whats a bar of metal going to do?" She asked. I smirked and started breaking the part that held the shackles in place. After a few good hits, and lisa screaming each time I hit the metal, the thing finally broke and lisa was free.

  "Finally! God my hand hurts!" Lisa chuckled, "Hey! Why're you laughing?!" She bursted out laughing, "Sorry, sorry. Let's go." I nodded. She headed towards the door, then stopped, "Wait. How are we going to get out?" I sighed and walked towards the door and...opened it. "What the hel-"

  I covered Lisa's mouth, "Lisa, we need to whisper. There could be someone there." She nodded, and we headed out the door. 'Jimin and the others. Please be ok. I'll see you soon'

  Jungkooks P.o.v

  "Jimin hyung, I don't think this is the right way." "Shut up, jungkook! I know where I'm going." I sighed, "Right. You know where to go." 'Jimin really care about Y/n don't you?' After a while, lenny had to take Jimin's place. I was walking beside him. "Hey jungkook." I looked up at him, "Yes?" He looked sad, "I really am worried about Y/n, but I'm also worried about jimin. He's all over the place and..."

  He stopped for a moment and looked back at the others. Especially jimin. "And it's gotten to the point where I have to remind him to eat or sleep." I nodded. "I think he's to caught up into finding Y/n, that he's forgotten to take care of himself." Lenny nodded. "I need you to keep a close eye on him. If we let him, he would die of starvation or be too weak to walk because of sleep depravation."

  I nodded and sighed. "He really cares about her..." Lenny nodded. "Let's find Y/n so we save 2 lives." I nodded.

  Jimin's P.o.v

  'Y/n...I'll find you. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again.' "Are we almost there?" I asked. "Jimin, we don't even know where she could be to begin with. How are we supposed to find her with just a rag?" Yoongi said. He has a point. We hardly have any clues as to where she could be.

  "Dammit" I whispered, mainly to myself. Then we heard a scream. We all looked at eachother. "That...wasn't Y/n..." Lenny said. "We can't just leave her though! We could save her!" Jungkook yelled. I nodded. "Bedsides, she could probably help us in finding where Y/n is. We need help." I said.

  Everyone nodded and ran in the direction of the scream. "HELP! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!" I stopped. 'She just said..Y/n's name...' "Guys! Y/n is here! Run!" They nodded. "Yeah we heard it too!" We all ran in the direction. "LISA! I'M OVER HERE! I'M COMING!" "Y/N?!" I yelled.

  "JIMIN! HELP!" Y/n yelled back. I ran past everyone until I ran into Y/n and another girl, being attacked by people and walkers. "What the hell is going on?!" Jungkook yelled. I didn't pay attention. I was too focused on how I was going to save them. "Y/n! Don't worry! I'll help you!" She nodded.

  I ran up with jungkook, taking out the walkers. After we killed them, the men holding Y/n and the other girl, stood in front of us. "Let them go!" I yelled. They just chuckled, "or what-AHAGGGG!" Before they could say anything else, they fell to the ground, bleeding.

  I looked up to see who did it, but the only person there was Y/n. "God! Now that he's taken care of...time for you!" She ran up to the other man and stabbed him. After he fell to the ground, Y/n and the woman hugged eachother. "Y/n! Thank you!" "I told you I would protect you!"

  After they were done hugging, we all sat down.

  Y/n's P.O.V

  We were resting after that whole ordeal. "Y/n...I'm sorry!" Before I could say or do anything, I was attacked with a giant bear hug. I realized that, I believe who was jimin, was crying on my shoulder. "J-jimin?" He gasped and let me go

  "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean-" I hugged him back. "It's ok. I missed you so much!" He wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry it took us so long to find you." I hugged him tighter, showing him it was ok.

                 ~Time skip: woods~

  "Hey Y/n?" I turned to see jungkook walking my way, "Yes jungk- ack!' He pulled me into a hug. "Jungkook?" He didn't say anything. "I thought I lost you..." He whispered. I hugged him back. "It's ok jungkook. I'm here now." He nodded.

  "You don't understand. You're like a sister to me. If you would've died. Jimin would've died with you..." He turned to see jimin talking with everyone happily. "I care about both of you so much. I would've been devistated to lose both of you at the same time."

  "I...I'm sorry jungkook. I love all of you dearly. I didn't know I held such a special place in your guys' hearts." He sniffled because he was crying, "You're like a sister to me, to all of us. I don't know about jimin though, haha." He chuckled. I titled my head and smiled, "What do you mean by that?"

  He shook his head, "Nothing. You'll know what that Means later." I nodded and chuckled. Trying not to be nosey. "So...Y/n...your friend, lisa..." I laughed, "she's single and ready to mingle. I think she likes you." He looked at me wide eyed, "Wait! You're serious!" I nodded.

  "I think you should talk to her." He nodded. "Thank you Y/n, but one more thing..will you help me?" I tilted my head and chuckled, "You're asking me to be your wing-man?" He nodded shyly, "I-I guess you could say that." I laughed and nodded, "I'd love to be your wing-man!" He laughed and hugged me once more. I laughed with him. 'I'm glad everyone's ok. And we even made a new friend. I hope this never ends.'
Alright! So I hope this chapter is good. I've been busy today so, my mind has been a mess. My writing might be a mess as well, but I hope you guys enjoyed anyway! Thank you and please vote and follow me for more updates!💜

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