Christmas special

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  Before we had left to find the facility, we decided to have a little Christmas.

  We didnt have time to put up a Christmas tree, nor, buy Christmas gifts.

  But everyone was fine with one another's presence.

  "So...what do we do?" Lisa asked.

  "What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

  She tilted her head in thought.

  "We have no essentials for Christmas. Do we even have time for a dinner?"

  Then, like on que, Jin came in with a tray filled with different types of food. Including turkey.

  "No worries! I've got that handled." Jin exclaimed.

  Lisa and jungkook shook their heads. Almost like they expected nothing less.

  "Wahhh~ Jin oppa! This looks amazing!" I said. Very excited because there is food in front of me.

  "Well thank you Y/N! I'm glad someone around-"

  "Who are you calling oppa?!" Jimin came out of nowhere.

  I jumped along with jin, whom, might I add, still had the tray of food in his hands.

  Jin dropped the tray and him and I fumbled to the floor where we, saddenly, watch it hit the floor.

  As Jin sits there looking at the smushed and unedible food on the floor, I stood up looking at jimin with fire in my eyes.

  "O-oh..guys I'm sorry.."

  "You better start running." I said in a scary, yet, demanding tone.

  He looked scared and did as I said.

  He ran. Ran so far that I didn't even notice we were outside, until I stepped on a branch barefoot.

  I fell to the ground, holding my foot in pain.

  Jimin came running towards me with concern.

  "Y/N! Are you ok?"

  I nodded. He sighed and sat next to me. "I'm sorry."

  I chuckled. "I'm not mad anymore. It's just food."

  He chuckled along with me. "You're right, but I'll help clean and cook more." I nodded.

  "Ok. Let's go. I'm hungry." I said. Standing up, limping my way towards the house.

  "Let me help." Jimin said, grabbing and holding my arm and waist to help me into the house.

                          Time skip

  "It's sprained slightly. It should be better in the morning." Dylan said.

  I nodded. "Alright! The foods done!" Jimin came through the kitchen door, calling us for dinner.

  We walked through the door and sat for food.

  "It isn't floor food, right?" Taehyung asked.

  "How'd you know about that?" Jimin asked.

  Jungkook snickered.

  "Jungkook I swear.."

  I smiled and everyone dug in.

  Then we all went to bed, waiting for the next day to come.

  "It's going to be a long trip tomorrow." Jimin said, as he layed next to me in our shared bed.

  I nodded. "Yes, but we'll make it."

  I felt jimin nod and we fell asleep.
Merry christmas! I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I purple you!💜

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