Chapter 18

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  "Lisa please come down from there!" Jungkook yells up at a 'adventerous' Lisa who is currently up on a shelf trying to get a snack.

  "Calm down, jungkook. She's not even 2 feet off the ground. She'll be fine." Jimin said. Reassuring a shaken up jungkook.

  I walked up next to jimin after jungkook went to Lisa to help.

  "You've got everything you needed right?" Jimin asked.

  I looked at the plastic bag in my hand. "um...yea of course." I said.

  "Hey, no need to be nervous. I'm sure your father is alright." He said.

  "Oh I know...but that's not what I'm-" I was cut off.

  "Jimin! Can you come here for a second?" Namjoon came asked.

  Jimin nodded, "one second! What was it you were saying Y/N?"

  I shook my head, "no no, go ahead, it wasn't important anyway. You better get over there before he rips your head off. You haven't been listening to him recently, haha." I chuckled.

  Jimin chuckled along with me and ran off to an impatient Namjoon.

  'fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck' I thought to myself.

  "Hey!" Lisa yelled.

  "Ah shit! You scared me.." I said, startled.

  "Sorry bout that. What's wrong? You seem upset about something.." she asked.

  I shook my head to show nothing was wrong, but, knowing Lisa, that didn't work with her.

  "No. You've been acting absent and scared recently. Tell me what's wrong." Lisa said in a demanding tone.

  I sighed and pulled her into one of the abandoned bathrooms in the store we were in.

  "Ok...what I'm about to tell you is-"

  "You're pregnant, aren't you?"

  Lisa interrupted me. Taking me by surprise.

  " well...yeah." I said.

  "WHAT?!" She screamed.

  I covered her mouth. "What do you mean, what? You were the one who said it first!" I whispered yelled.

  "Hey! Everything alright in here?" Hoseok came in and asked.

  When he saw Lisa and I in the position we were in, he backed away, slowly leaving the bathroom.

  Lisa, then, removed my hand from her mouth. "'d you find out?" She asked.

  I raised the plastic bag in my hand. "The tests in here." I said.

  She took the bag and pulled out my pregnancy test. "aww...I can't believe this! I'm so happy for you!" She said wrapping her hands around me.

  I hugged her back. "Ok. Let's go before hoseok tells them something completely opposite of what we're doing." I said laughing. Lisa laughed and we walked out to see everyone waiting for us outside.

  "Hey, so hoseok said-"

  "Let's just go."

  Jimin spoke but I interrupted. I grabbed his arm and walked off into the direction of our location.

  " can I see your bag?" Jimin asked.

  I jerked it away, "No!..I-I mean, no. What do you want with it?" I asked. Taking jimin off guard.

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