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Hey everyone. It's been a hot minute, hasn't it? I'm sorry I haven't updating. Things have not been the greatest for me mentally, but I'll get back on my feet eventually.

I hope to update sometime this week actually. If you could tell me when would be great, I'll do it. Also, I have decided I would open a collab book. Basically what that means is, I will write a scenario and everyone can write down their version of that scenario.

For example : scenario-- you're the most popular girl in school. Every guy wants you except for the bangtan boys.

Comments :

"I woke up one morning feeling like something was off...blah blah blah blah blah...."

That's basically what it is. It'll give you some recognition and you may even find an account you like. It'll bring everyone together. I know I don't have the most followers, but I hope you guys enjoy the idea, none-the-less.

I purple you all and I hope you understand my break. 💜

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