Chapter 17

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  I closed my eyes in fear.


  "Get up."

  'that it can't be!'


  I looked up to see zico. The last person I want to see right now, is in front of me, with a gun pointed at jimin.

  "I said, get up! Unless you want your little boyfriend here to die."

  My voice trembled. I was scared.

  Half if it being because of zico, and the other half of losing jimin.

  "Bitch, don't make me repeat myself."

  I did as he said and stood up.

  As I did, I looked back to see both men from before, dead.

  "Oh, yeah I killed them. I asked them to take everyone alive, but they went behind my back to steal and even go as far as to try and kill one of you."

  I started shaking.


  I looked around.

  "Wheres my uncle?!"

  He chuckled. "Calm down. He's fine. He's in the truck."

  I looked over at the wrecked truck and see uncle Lenny sitting inside.

  "I'm okay Y/N!" He yelled.

  I sighed of relief.

  "I didnt say they did kill one of you, I said they went as far as to try and kill one of you. But they didn't, because of me."

  I felt one tear drop off my face.

  "So I think a thank you is in order." He said.

  'does he really think we're that dumb?'

  No one said anything, and zico got impatient.

  He, then, grabbed jimins neck, now holding the gun to his head.

  "I said, say thank you!"

  I jumped and stared at jimin.

  "T-thank you!" I said frantically.

  "There. Wasn't that hard." He smiled.

  "Ok. So, what I need everyone to do, is drop their weapons." Zico said.

  Everyone looked at me for confirmation. I nodded.

  Everyone did as he said.

  "So it seems that Y/N here is the leader. Fascinating."

  I pulled a disgusting face.

  "Alright. Everyone follow me." He said.

  No one would move. I started the walk behind him and everyone followed.

                          Time skip

  We have been walking for a while now. I'd say about 45 minutes.

  "So, Y/N. How did you become the 'leader' of your little group here, hm?"

  He asked in almost a mocking tone.

  "I...I don't know how to answer your question." I said.

  'how did I become the 'leader'? Would I even be considered that?'

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