Chapter 6.

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  July 6th, 2018. 9:08 P.M.

  Jimin's P.o.v

  "Where the hell is she?!" I yelled out of frustration. "Calm down, Jimin! She probably had to use the bathroom and got lost. We'll find her." Tae said, trying to calm me down. I shook my head vigorously, "No. No, if she was to use the bathroom, she would've told us. Something is off..."

  I turned to the others, "Listen. I know we all want to believe that Y/n can take care of herself, but in reality, she's just trying to get by this just as much as we are." I turned to her uncle, who was sitting on a log with his head in his hands. "Lenny, you're her uncle. The person who basically raised her when you were around. You should know her better than all of us."

  He looked up at me and nodded slightly, "Jimin's right. She wouldn't just go off like that, without telling me or one of you guys first." Everyone nodded. "Ok, say something did happen to her. What could possibly have happened?" Hoseok asked. I started thinking for a solution.

  "What if she was attacked by a walker?" Jungkook suggested. "No. She would've ran away from it. Either that or killed it." Yoongi said. I nodded in agreement. "Right. Y/n is not stupid. She wouldn't go off like that without a weapon." I said. Everyone turned to me, "You seem to have Y/n all figured out. Don't ya, Jimin?" Hoseok said, raising his eyebrows with a smirk.

  I scoffed, "That's not the important thing here. What's important is finding Y/n, and bringing her back safely." Everyone chuckled and nodded. I walked towards the tent where Y/n was staying at, to see if I could find any clues. "C'mon! There's gotta be some- huh?" As I was searching the tent, I caught a glimpse of a blue rag, near the entrance. "What the hell is this?" I decided to smell it. "Oh no..."

                        ~Time skip~

  "So you just found this laying around?" I nodded. "Yeah. I smelled it. It smells like chloroform." Lenny nodded, holding the rag up to his face, "I think I know what happened." I turned to him, giving him full attention. "What? What is it?" He shook his head, "I'm not completely sure but, I think she was kidnapped."

  Then he turned to me completely, looking me straight in the eyes, "Listen, Jimin. I know you care about her a lot, and would do anything for her, but you need to be honest with me." I nodded my head hesitantly, "I'll answer to the best of my abilities." He nodded, "Do you love Y/n? Not like, brotherly love. I mean, love her?" 

  I widened my eyes. 'Do I love Y/n?' I turned to lenny, "What makes you think that I do?" He chuckled slightly, "You two are inseparable. To be honest with ya, I thought she would be closer to jungkook, considering the story she told me." I nodded. "Alright. If I was in love with Y/ would I know?" I hesitated asking the question.

  He turned to me with a serious but soft expression, "It's for you to find out. I can't feel your emotions. You have to dig deep into yourself to find the true answer to your question." I nodded. "Thank you." I said. He gently put his hand on my shoulder, "No problem kid. Now let's find this girl." I nodded while smiling. "Let's go." I said.

Y/n's P.O.V (Few hours before)

  " head. Huh? Where am I?" I looked around at my surroundings. It was dark, but not too dark. "Whats that?" I saw a shadow in the corner of the room. I decided to take a closer look. '' when I got closer, I seen blood. Then I looked up to see a bloody body of a woman. "Oh no! Are you ok miss?!" She looked older than me. Maybe by 5 years? I'm not sure.

  I checked for a pulse. "Good. She's alive." I sighed of relief, knowing the woman in front of me is alive. "How'd you- no we get in here? Looks like you've been here longer." I realized that I was talking to an unconscious lady, who is probably knocking on deaths door. 'I've seriously gone crazy...*sigh*'

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