Chapter 19

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  "Why're we just standing here?"


  "Don't tell me to "shh"."

  "Damnit Jin I said shut up!" Yoongi exclaimed.

  "No you didn' said "shh"." Jin replied pouting.

  Yoongi just rolled his eyes and planted his eyes back the Giant scientific facility in front of him.

  "Kim facilities co. Wonder if this man is still alive. What about you?" Jin asked yoongi curiously.

  Yoongi shrugged "I honestly don't care but at the same time I want him to be for Y/n's sake.." he said trailing off.

  "Look...I know you like her." Jin stated.

  Yoongi turned to the man suddenly. They stared at eachother for a good minute. "Understatement of the century." Yoongi said.

  "You know she's with Jimin. What if he finds out? You know what he'll do to you-"

  "I know! I don't need a fucking lecture Jin hyung!" Yoongi yelled, grabbing the attention of the rest of the group.

  "What the hell is all the yelling for?" I ask.

  Yoongi turns to me with soft eyes while Jin speaks up. "Nothing. He's just tired." He says. Yoongi turns away, crossing his arms.

  I nod my head at jin and turn back to the others.

  "It's going to be weird to see my son, if he's even alive." Dylan says.

  I nod. "How do you think I'll feel? I've never really known him. This'll be a whole new thing for me." I said.

  Dylan hugs me. "it's ok. We'll get through this. Think this a reunion more than a meeting." I nod as we pull away.

  "Ok! What're we waiting for? Let's get in there and find us a scientist!" Hoseok pops in and says.

  We chuckle at the giddy man and head in with cautious feet.

  We walk in. Everyone huddled together, being sure to not cause too much noise.

  "This place looks wrecked to shit.." I hear behind me. I couldn't recognize the voice since they said it so low, but I'm willing to guess it was yoongi.

  We keep walking. Nothing is happening. EveryTHING is quiet. EveryONE is quiet. It's just quiet.

  I stop in my tracks and turn to everyone. "I don't like it. It's too quiet." I say. "she's right. There's something wrong." Jungkook says, agreeing with me.

  "I think we should find somewhere to sit and think about where we're heading next." I say. Everyone nods and we walk a little further to find a place to sit.

  Once we do, everyone sits and we start brainstorming. "Dylan, you've lived here the longest. You've had to have walked in here a couple of times.." I assume.

  "I've only been in here once. The only place I've been is the first floor. No higher." He says. We all sigh of disappointment.

  As I'm in the process of trying to find a way, I hear a scruffling noise to my left.

  I swing my head towards that direction and see a shadow. Standing in a stiff position. Almost as if it's trying to blend in with it's surroundings.

  "Who the hell are you?!" I yell. Completely forgetting to be quiet.

  "Way to keep it subtle Y/n.." Jin says.

  I ignore him and keep my focus on the figure. "Show yourself!" I yell once more.

  The figure isn't budging. "Damnit. Have to do everything myself." I say as I stomp my way over. Crowbar in hand.

  As I grow closer, the figure disappears. "What the..." I say then I notice a doorway. Down a hall. A small crack forming a light. Creating a small shadow across the wall and floor.

  The door suddenly closes and the light disappears completely.

  Everyone runs up to me in worry. "Y/n? Are you ok?" Jimin asks. Everyone at this point has given up on the whispering.

  "Yea...yea I'm fine. I think I just found our new route." I say as I point down the hall.

  Everyone looks down the hall and sees the door. "Good luck trying to get that open." Taehyung says.

  "I just saw it close. It was open but I think someone closed it." I say.

  "That's crazy though. Even if it was open, whoever closed it probably locked it." Jimin says.

  I look down at my hand, "I mean, it's not entirely impossible. We still have my crowbar." I say as I hold up my crowbar.

  "Well what the hell are we standing around talking about it? Get the damn door open!" Yoongi says.

  I nod and we run up to the door.

  I plunge my crowbar into the door and wiggle the door loose. We barge through.

  But before I can say or do anything, I'm grabbed and now my entire group of friends are in front of me. A knife held up to my throat. A female hand wrapped around my waist, holding me in place. 

  "Now... you're going to do what I say and your little bitch here won't get her throat sliced open."

  Jimin looks at me with absolute horror, then at the woman.

  "I thought you were dead..."

Hello! I'm so so sorry that it's been a while since I've updated but I'm now on summer break so I should be updating a little more often. I hope you enjoy this part and..who do you think the woman is? Probably obvious lol. Anyway I love you all! Enjoy💜


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