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If you see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out.

I struggle helplessly as I try to escape from the chair I'm tied to. My arms behind me and my legs tied to the front legs of the chair. I don't even bother to scream, knowing it won't help with the tape on my mouth.

Where the hell am I?

I begin to sway harshly, side to side, hoping to tip the chair and hopefully break something, somehow. It's a dumb idea, but logic isn't usually present when I'm tied to a chair in a dark area.

Suddenly, a blinding light causes me to yell in surprise and shut my eyes tightly. I also freeze and hold my breath, as if that would keep me hidden.

"Ah, you weren't kidding," a voice belonging to a male, speaks. It's a bit high pitched but still gravely in a weird sense.

"Why is she tied up?" Another voice asks, this one deep, unlike the last.

"She may not look it, but she's a fighter."

This voice comes from behind me, soft footsteps nearing slowly to where I am seated.

I slowly blink my eyes open to adjust to the light, only for them to be shut again, a sharp pain running from one cheek to another.

My short scream of pain is heard clear and I realise what caused the sudden pain on my face.

"Alright beautiful, answer our questions truthfully and we won't hurt you," the voice that was previously behind me says, his voice also deep.

I feel tears pricking at the edges of my eyes when his hot breath comes in contact with my ear.

I slowly nod, blinking the tears away.

"First question," the same voice begins, "do you have a job?"

"Yes," I answer, my voice hoarse.

"What is your job?" I see a pair of legs stand before me, but I don't dare look up to see who they belong to.

"Accountant," I answer, cold sweat dripping from my nose.

"Is that so?" He gives out a chuckle and I'm about to look up when a strong hand meets my cheek with insane force.


"Let me ask again," he says, lifting my chin so I could look at him. The tears forming in my eyes don't allow me to see his features.

"What is your job?"

I gulp and close my eyes tightly, letting the tears fall down my cheeks. I'm not allowed to say... God, this will be embarrassing.

"I'm a prostitute," I sob, pulling my head away from his grasp and letting it hang low in shame.

It's not the truth, but it's what I have to say to keep him safe, to keep myself alive.

It's silent, and I start to worry.

"We should just kill her," another voice says, this one sounding alot younger than the others, maybe around my own age.

"She's lying," the one interrogating me simply says and I feel my lips curl into a smirk, but quickly fall back into a frown and I sob louder. 

"Please! I'll do whatever, just let me go!"


I stare in horror at the man standing before me, this time, I can see him clearly. His black hair hanging just above his eyebrows, creating a shadow above his eyes. His lips start to curl into a devilish smirk as he leans down to come face to face.

"Yes!" I cry, forcing more tears to spill from my eyes.

"Then tell us who you work for," he growls, grabbing my face roughly with one if his large hands.

I close my eyes once again, deciding to give up on my act and let the smirk fall on my lips.

"You should learn to mind your own business," I mumble, before forcibly slamming my forehead against the one belonging to the man.

He falls back with a yell of surprise and pain, holding his forhead.

I hear someone cock a gun and I smirk again, turning my head up to the ceiling with my eyes closed.

"Do it."

"NO! We need her!" The same guy says, getting up from the floor.

"She's not giving anything away," the high pitched voice says, clearly getting the hint unlike this idiot.

"Maybe not now," the idiot retorts, walking towards me once again.

I stare at him with a daring glare and flash him a smile before his large hand meets my cheek again.

"You'll be tortured," he whispers into my ear,  causing a shiver to run down my spine,  "and then you'll break."

His hand forms a fist and it come in contact with my gut, causing me to cough out a guttural noise.

"Torture me all you want," I cough, "I'll never tell you shit!"

I spit on his face and he proceeds to punch me once more before he's stopped by one of the other men in the room.

"That's enough, we need her in one piece, no?"

I look up and see the face of a very handsome man, but, unlike the one punching me, he seemed way more serious and intimidating.

"She'll stay with me," the tall man says, removing the rope tying my legs to the chair.

I don't try to escape, knowing I will only get overpowered by the men in the room. When my arms are freed, I only bring them up infront of me to rub the bruised areas.

"You'll be punished if you try anything smart," the tall man says, his deep voice making me feel warm. He shouldn't be allowed to say such things with that voice and that face.

He stands me up and drags me out of the room while the rest of the men, six I come to count, follow behind.

Whatever they were going to do to make me speak, it won't work. I won't allow it.

Wrote this a while back and I have most if this story written down so updates will be on time hopefully.

Love you ♡

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