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If you see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out.

"Why don't you say anything?"

I slowly open my eyes and look at Jin, who is highly concentrated on stitching a deep cut on my thigh.

He notices my silence and turns to me, and I feel the tears form in my eyes. Real tears. Not of physical pain, but more of heartbreak.

The man frowns and places his large hand on my bare shoulder, caressing my collarbone with his thumb.

He knows why I'm tearing up. He can see right through me after caring for me for these past few months, but he still doesn't know the exact reason.

"I-I'm sorry," I mumble, blinking to hopefully erase the tears, only for them to fall down my bruised cheekbones.

His fingers gently wipe the tears and he sighs.

"Don't worry about it," he says, running his hand down my broken arm, his fingers delicately moving over the bruises and cuts, slowly coming over my hand.

My heart begins to race as his hand lays gently on mine. His eyes are looking into mine, something new hidden in those brown orbs of his.

I feel my body begin to heat up, and my breathing also starts to hitch, which worries Jin.

"You alright there?" He asks, oblivious to what is actually happening to me.

"Yeah, it's just," I look away from his gaze, "it's you."

I hear him chuckle, something I've come to appreciate in the past months. It's heavenly compared to the hell I'm living in. His hand also squeezes my hand slightly.

"If only," he mumbles, picking up my hand with his and planting his soft lips on them, making me gasp in surprise.

At that moment the door to his room opens and Jin immediately places my hand back down. We both turn to the door and see Namjoon staring at us with a worried gaze.

"How is she doing?" He asks, walking over to the opposite side of the bed, kneeling down to place a hand on my forehead, looking into my eyes.

"She's getting better, in a couple of days she'll be good to go again," Jin says, standing up and stretching his body.

"That's good," Namjoon whispers, moving his hand so it cups my cheek.

I close my eyes and rest my head against his hand, the feeling oddly comforting.

Jin leaves me with Namjoon to make dinner, I assume, and I open my eyes to see those dark ones of Namjoon. They are filled with irritation, unlike Jin's soft ones.

I gulp and his lips twist into a smirk, his hand slowly moving down to my neck to examine the scar Yoongi left. He presses down on it softly with his thumb, making me gulp once again.

"Aish, stop doing that," Namjoon growls, pressing harder, making it more difficult for me to breath. "It makes me want to do things."

I resist the urge to gulp again, knowing he'll only press even harder until I pass out completely.

Eventually, he removes his thumb, moving his hand down my chest to my stomach, where he lays his hand on, gliding his long fingers over every scar.

"What a waste," he mumbles, "you should speak up soon."

I bite my tongue to avoid saying anything. I shouldn't be growing so attached. Why am I feeling this way towards these men who want me dead?

My thoughts are interrupted by a pair of soft lips on the crook of my neck, causing my body to tense at the sudden sensation. If I wasn't in such a condition, I'd push him away, but with my broken arm and fractured ribs, I can't do anything.

He kisses my neck delicately, shivers attacking my spine with each gentle peck. I bite my lip to keep any noises from escaping and encouraging Namjoon to continue.

He stops and I feel him smirk against my skin.

"Why are you being so silent now?"

Double upload as promised :) 

Love you ♡

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